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M4D 454F0X (97175) - Manager

Mixed Martial Arts Management - M4D 454F0X
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Historic MMA Record

Record   57-62-0 (1 NCs)
Wins   23 (T)KOs (40.35%)
    19 Subs (33.33%)
    15 Decisions (26.32%)
Losses   32 (T)KOs (51.61%)
    12 Subs (19.35%)
    18 Decisions (29.03%)
Current 0-0-0 (0 NCs)
Portugal Portugal (P:20)
Month Rank
Best Rank
Opp Rank
  5561 of 41040 (13.55%)
5559 (-2 drop)
375 average
Div 7. League 668 (P: 34)
Top Fighter  
Fighters   0
Bank   $11,774.00
M4D's quote
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Last login GMT (y/m/d):
2019-12-28 22:23:12
Joined (y/m/d):
2016-09-13 14:25:01
Username: rickmartinez
Recent Events

06 Mar, 2020 Friday - Bas Dekkers celebrated his birthday - 44 today!
22 Feb, 2020 Saturday - Nova Zigaman celebrated his birthday - 43 today!
30 Jan, 2020 Thursday - Aly Cissokho celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
19 Jan, 2020 Sunday - Blake Kidd celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
13 Jan, 2020 Monday - Rafael Jimene celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
12 Dec, 2019 Thursday - Bas Dekkers celebrated his birthday - 43 today!
01 Dec, 2019 Sunday - Fighter: Bas Dekkers moved location to - Las Vegas
30 Nov, 2019 Saturday - Fighter: Aly Cissokho moved location to - New York
29 Nov, 2019 Friday - Nova Zigaman celebrated his birthday - 42 today!
28 Nov, 2019 Thursday - Fighter: Bas Dekkers moved location to - Los Angeles

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Last 20 MMA & Kickboxing Fights (View all Fights)
  My Fighter Opponent Method Event Date Rnd Time
   L Rafael Jimene Donovan Anvils KO (Strikes) RRFC Fight Night 17 2020-01-05 1 03:17
   L Bas Dekkers Steve The Smiling Assassin Decision (Unanimous) ACE18Lotus Style vs Farrokhaz... 2019-12-27 3 05:00
   L Blake Kidd Lucas Pardo TKO (Strikes) Quick Fight Championship 2019-12-23 1 00:57
   L Rafael Jimene Rob Mogweister TKO (Strikes) RRFC 20: Monto vs Nadir 2019-12-14 1 01:26
   W Blake Kidd Lucien Kessler TKO (Strikes) Quick Fight Championship 2019-12-02 1 01:55
   W Bas Dekkers Luke Rockstar Decision (Unanimous) ACE11 Lati vs King 2019-11-30 3 05:00
   L Aly Cissokho Ken Striker Submission (Heel Hook) ACE10 Payne Vs Holland 2019-11-29 1 01:59
   W Rafael Jimene Fred Lowry Submission (Kimura) RRFC 17: Sir vs Vidal 2019-11-23 1 00:26
   W Blake Kidd Pez Dispenser TKO (Strikes) ICC CN 8: Musashi v Satori 2019-11-21 1 01:06
   L Aly Cissokho Golden Sage Lll Submission (Guillotine) ACE7 Aronna vs Moreno 2019-11-14 1 03:21
   W Bas Dekkers Sergej Valentinovich TKO (Strikes) Quick Fight Championship 2019-10-31 1 02:38
   W Rafael Jimene Bingo Bango Submission (RNC) RRFC 14: Sir vs Diaz 2019-10-26 2 04:34
   L Nova Zigaman Machiavelli Vecellio KO (Punch) XF 42 2019-10-26 2 04:11
   L Blake Kidd Ivan Mikhailov Submission (Armbar) ICC CN 4: Bambangan v Raffo 2 2019-10-24 1 02:59
   W Nova Zigaman Tee Nah Submission (Armbar) XF Brawl 3 2019-10-10 1 04:56
   W Bas Dekkers Brandon Walker TKO (Strikes) Quick Fight Championship 2019-10-05 2 01:50
   W Rafael Jimene Blake Shelley Submission (Guillotine) RRFC Challengers 11 2019-10-02 1 02:41
   L Blake Kidd Augustus Hippobody KO (Punch) ICC: Combat Night 1 2019-10-01 2 00:14
   W Blake Kidd Jerrod Tubbs Decision (Unanimous) ICC 4 2019-09-21 3 03:00
   W Bas Dekkers Douche Canoe KO (Punch) Quick Fight Championship 2019-09-19 1 04:44
Top Fighter -

Record 0-0- (W-L-D)
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Buzz at M4D 454F0X (Logged in as )
Lucio Dias
Lucio Dias buzzed at M4D 454F0X (Dec 27, 2016)

Well, i wish all of the fighters a happy new year. Hope i will be the first on the ranks next year, instead be the last of my division this year. Just Bleed MMA 280k rules, Bantamweight Division

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M4D 454F0X's recent buzzes
M4D 454F0X buzzed at Aspire MMA , Camilo Andrade , Lucio Dias
All good things comes to an end. My two fighters, Camilo Andrade and Lucio Dias , left the Just Bleed MMA 280k. I wish all the luck and sucess for the company, and for the people are behind this organization. (Jan 14, 2017)
Two of my fighters, Camilo Andrade and LĂșcio Dias, are signed for fight in Just Bleed 9 and 10. Wish them good luck for their fights. Cyprian Rusiecki and Bruce Lee, you will never be the same after that. (Oct 15, 2016)
I'm pleased to announce that i'm managing the career of Camilo Andrade, an BJJ Brown Belt, from Goias, Brazil. (Sep 15, 2016)
M4D 454F0X replied The Clown Prince of Crime's Buzz buzzed at The Clown Prince of Crime
The Clown Prince of Crime, if i need a better name, i don't know which had a better name between us! (Sep 15, 2016)
I'm pleased to announce that i'm managing the career of Chad "Money" Mendes, a former PFA (Bantamweight and Featherweight Divisions) and VERSUS (Bantanweight Division) Champion (Sep 15, 2016)
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