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Luis "Papi Chulo" Sanchez (372104)

Mixed Martial Arts Fighter - Luis Sanchez
MMA 8-12-0 (W-L-D)
MMA Wins 5 (T)KOs (62.50%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
3 Decisions (37.50%)
MMA Losses 7 (T)KOs (58.33%)
5 Subs (41.67%)
0 Decisions (0.00%)
KT Record 8-12-1 (W-L-D)
KT Wins 4 (T)KOs (50.00%)
4 Decisions (50.00%)
KT Losses 7 (T)KOs (58.33%)
5 Decisions (41.67%)
Next Fight None
Song Kodak Black - Super Gremlin
Height 173 cm
Weight 145 lbs
Can cut to 134.9 lbs
Age 34
Hometown Boca Chica
Country Dominican Republic
Location Las Vegas
Base Las Vegas
Manager Lamar Ball
Bank Balance $96,198.80
Alliance   -
Highest Rank 2575 MMA / 210 KT
Creation Date 1st Feb 2021
Luis has Elite boxing, Strong Muay Thai, Feeble wrestling and holds a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Awards: Fight of the night: 2 ($5,000)   KO of the night: 1 ($3,000)   
Weight: 222 P4P: 4406
2 Days Cuts 0 Days
Kickboxing Hype
  KT Rank
Weight: 7 P4P: 282

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Fighter Bio
Called "El Paquete" because he has a very big package.

Boxing   - Punches   - Agility   -
Muay Thai   - Kicks   - Flexbility   -
Wrestling   - Elbows   - Speed   -
BJJ   - Knees   - Strength   -
      Clinchwork   - Conditioning   -
Sparring   Worth Striking Defense   - Balance   -
Boxing   - Ground n Pound   -      
Muay Thai   - Takedown Off   -      
Wrestling   - Takedown Def   -      
BJJ   - Submissions   -      
      Defensive Grap   -      
      Transitions   -      
      Escapes   -      
Currently wearing

Uncle Rufus Clothing .Co
Uncle Rufus Clothing .Co

MMA Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  
L George Pierre TKO (Strikes) Just some fights 2 2024-12-07 135 1 02:45 view
L Jake Askren Submission (Kimura) Quick Fight Championship 2024-10-17 135 1 01:59 view
W John James TKO (Punches) Quick Fight Championship 2024-09-11 135 2 00:15 view
L Akio Kurosaki TKO (Strikes) Quick Fight Championship 2024-02-09 135 1 02:49 view
L Pocket Rocket Submission (Kimura) Quick Fight Championship 2023-11-30 135 1 00:58 view
W Fyodor Pending KO (Punch) Quick Fight Championship 2023-10-22 135 1 00:05 view
L My Time TKO (Strikes) Quick Fight Championship 2023-09-10 135 1 04:56 view
W Ozaki Buakaw Decision (Unanimous) Quick Fight Championship 2023-07-22 135 3 05:00 view
L Vu Viet Hu Submission (Anaconda Choke) Quick Fight Championship 2023-07-13 135 1 01:37 view
W Heffna Badmon KO (Punches) Quick Fight Championship 2023-06-23 135 1 01:15 view
W Arvo Virtanen KO (Superman Punch) Quick Fight Championship 2023-06-05 135 2 00:24 view
L Chito Jacare Salazar TKO (Strikes) CTFA 12: Michel Vs Bresnar 2021-11-03 155 1 02:56 view
L Frankie DeLuna TKO (Punches) KoF:IW - Okongwu X Van Hoodonk 2021-10-16 135 1 00:16 view
L Akira Tatakai TKO (Strikes) KoF: SUPER WOLF FUN TIMES 2021-09-25 135 1 01:32 view
W Trey Diesel Decision (Unanimous) KoF:IW- Zaintashara X Q.Cranio 2021-09-04 135 3 05:00 view
L Jon Sterling TKO (Strikes) KoF:IW - Garbowa x Tokugawa 2021-08-07 135 1 04:24 view
W Paul Webber KO (Punch) KoF:IW - Nakagawa X Alaoui 2021-07-04 135 1 00:15 view
W Tavin Carth Decision (Unanimous) KoF-Iron Wolf I 2021-05-09 155 3 05:00 view
L Paddy Frost Submission (Armbar) KoF: GC HW 2021-04-17 155 1 03:55 view
L Akoni Zidane Submission (Kimura) KO 4: Apinagewanwa VS. Drake 2021-03-20 135 1 00:18 view

Kickboxing Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  
L Pharoah The First Chai TKO (Punch) AKF: Reboot 2023-04-22 145 1 01:22 view
L Ryo Hazuki Decision (Unanimous) AKF 86 2023-03-25 145 3 03:00 view
W Michael Collins Decision (Unanimous) AKF 83 2023-02-25 145 3 03:00 view
L Leon Bowser Decision (Split) AKF 80 2023-02-08 145 3 03:00 view
L Alec Harvey Decision (Unanimous) AFK 2022-12-24 145 3 03:00 view
L Arturo Hernandez TKO (Punch) AKF 72 | Addition vs. Silva 2 2022-12-02 145 3 01:59 view
W George Alexopoulos TKO (Punches) AKF 70 | Worst Card In History 2022-10-01 145 1 02:12 view
L Whealer Van Hire KO (Punch) AKF 69 | Akira vs. Kim 2022-09-24 145 1 01:59 view
D Koh Ibu Draw AKF FN | Yalixqua vs. Sandoval 2022-09-09 145 3 03:00 view
W Riku Yamato Decision (Unanimous) AKF FN | PF vs. Spiteri 2022-08-19 145 3 03:00 view
L Farto Fuerte TKO (Punches) AKF FN | Kovingten vs. RooMan 2022-07-29 145 1 02:57 view
W Alejandro Sepulveda Decision (Unanimous) AKF FN | Sandoval vs. Kim 2022-07-08 145 3 03:00 view
L Remy Bose TKO (Punch) AKF 57 | Obama vs. Diego 2022-07-02 145 1 02:07 view
L Sean O Rally Decision (Unanimous) AKF FN | Knox vs. Spiteri 2022-06-24 145 3 03:00 view
W Ross Buchanan Decision (Unanimous) AKF 55 | Durand vs. Redfist 2022-06-04 145 3 03:00 view
W Franco Terri TKO (Punches) AKF FN | Morrison vs. RooMan 2022-05-20 145 1 01:56 view
W Eward Knight TKO (Punches) AKF 47 | TBA vs. TBA 2022-04-09 145 1 00:17 view
W Miguel Machin TKO (Punches) AKF 41 | Lee vs. Elizondo 2022-02-26 145 1 02:55 view
L Kamaru Umuhoza Decision (Unanimous) AKF 37 | Turner vs. Backman 2022-01-29 145 3 03:00 view
L Kamaru Umuhoza TKO (Punch) AKF 35 | Durand vs. Benedetti 2022-01-15 145 2 00:25 view
L Carlos Narvaez TKO (Punch) AKF 33 | Ambe vs. Taurus 2022-01-01 145 2 01:57 view

Buzz at Luis "Papi Chulo" Sanchez (Logged in as )
Djordje Stankovic
Djordje Stankovic replied to Fat Trel's Buzz buzzed at Luis Sanchez

Hahaha shut up fat bitch everyone in your team are bums negative record bums I could smash your whole team in 1 night every fighter from your manager are a bum and you will be too I am only 25 years old since 18 I fought best of the best and I will continue to that I will be champ and you will be fat nobody like everyone in your team (Mar 23, 2024)

view conversation »
Luis "Papi Chulo" Sanchez's recent buzzes
Luis Sanchez replied to Eliz Gracie's Buzz buzzed at Eliz Gracie
Retire faggot (Mar 21, 2024)
Luis Sanchez replied to Eliz Gracie's Buzz buzzed at Eliz Gracie
No one cares you washed up faggot (Mar 08, 2024)
Luis Sanchez replied to Ryan Locke's Buzz buzzed at Ryan Locke
Documentary about you fighting me. Fite me (Aug 07, 2023)
Luis Sanchez buzzed at Ryan Locke
Fight me bitch (Aug 06, 2023)
Luis Sanchez replied to Ryan Locke's Buzz buzzed at Ryan Locke
Scared little pussy (Jul 22, 2023)

Current Gym : Roosters Coop
Weekly Gym Fees : $ 1000  
Gym Quality : Brand new  

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Recent Events

2024-12-11- Bought Heart of the Champion - Black Shorts for $40 at Champion Apparel
2024-10-23- Luis Sanchez celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
2024-10-20- Bought Wanna Try? A for $50 at Uncle Rufus Clothing .Co
2024-10-18- Bought Black MMA URfs for $50 at Uncle Rufus Clothing .Co
2024-07-30- Luis Sanchez celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
2024-07-17- Bought Wanna Try? A for $50 at Uncle Rufus Clothing .Co
2024-06-21- Bought Black MMA URfs for $50 at Uncle Rufus Clothing .Co
2024-05-06- Luis Sanchez celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
2024-03-10- Bought Tiger League URfs for $50 at Uncle Rufus Clothing .Co
2024-02-12- Bought Black MMA URfs for $50 at Uncle Rufus Clothing .Co

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