Jan 12, 2012 23:48 GMT |
Joe Rogan here, I have GGGNP founder and manager Brian Estep here. We want to talk about the upcoming GGGNP 2 event and what the future holds for the company.
You were 5 - 5 last week, how do you feel your fighters will perform this week? “I think that we honestly over trained going into last week. It was our first event and we were just trying to make sure that we put our time in but looking back, I don’t think we rested enough. I think that’s going to be a key to being successful in our league, finding the balance of training/fighting and resting. The fighters/managers that find the right combination will be hard to beat.”
What fight are you most looking forward to? “Its still early in our league and you really can’t get a solid read on a fighters consistency till about the 5 fight mark but I’m looking forward to the potential fireworks between Ballard and Lovell.”
What are some plans for the future of the league? “Well, we are starting “Wednesday Night Warriors”. These will be 5 fight cards that take place every week to give every fighter/manager the opportunity to fight every week and also have more frequent action within the fight league.”
What are your weight divisions going to look like? “Right now we 31 fighters on roster, we are still in the infancy and need to find out how active guys are going to be in the long run, ideally I’d like an even split around 15 in each class right now. I’m trying to keep the managers to family and friends right now but we may look into growth once we get everything established. We have 2 championship fights coming up. We will take four 2 - 0 fighters and match them up to create the championship fights for both Light Heavyweight and the Heavyweight divisions. After GGGNP 2, I will send out renegotiated contracts to shape the divisions. The great thing about our total roster is that most fighters will be interchangeable between weight classes. This option allows for the potential of super fights between champions down the road.”
Give me the name of a losing fighter from last week that you see big things for in the future and on the opposite a winning fighter from last week that scares you. “As far as losing fighters go, I feel that the winner of the Horton vs. McCoy fight has a really good shot of re-establishing themselves as contenders. I was disappointed with Horton’s effort last week even though he was injured and flat out shocked that McCoy lost. Looking at my winners, Ballard scares me just because he didn’t face any adversity in his match. He caught he guy with a flying knee 5 seconds into the fight. How will he do in a match that makes him work some? That’s what we’ll find out Saturday night Sydney time, Friday morning our time.
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