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Mike "Motown Madman" Camble (371122)

Mixed Martial Arts Fighter - Mike Camble
Record 20-14-0 (W-L-D)
Wins 5 (T)KOs (25.00%)
8 Subs (40.00%)
7 Decisions (35.00%)
Losses 3 (T)KOs (21.43%)
2 Subs (14.29%)
9 Decisions (64.29%)
Next Fight None
Song None
Height 184 cm
Weight 195 lbs
Can cut to 177.8 lbs
Age 33
Hometown Detroit MI
Country United States
Location Las Vegas
Base Las Vegas
Manager Henry Rollins
Bank Balance $662,829.50
Alliance   Golden Team
Highest Rank 78 MMA
Creation Date 30th Dec 2020
Mike has Sensational boxing, Sensational Muay Thai, Elite wrestling and holds a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Awards: Fight of the night: 3 ($3,000)   Sub of the night: 3 ($4,000)   
Weight: NA P4P: 3082
0 Days Cuts 0 Days

Sponsored by
Brooklyn Apothecary [5284]
Contracted to Trophies
Fighter is not signed to a Mixed Martial Arts Organization

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Fighter Bio
Son of MMA fighter Ash Camble, who trained Mike in grappling from a young age. Two time Highschool Wrestling State Champion Div 2 National Wrestling Champ. He then transferred to UCLA and became 2X All American 2X NCAA Champion Achieved his black belt at just 21 GDL Welterweight Champion GC Welterweight Champion GAMMA Welterweight Champion

Boxing   - Punches   - Agility   -
Muay Thai   - Kicks   - Flexbility   -
Wrestling   - Elbows   - Speed   -
BJJ   - Knees   - Strength   -
      Clinchwork   - Conditioning   -
Sparring   Worth Striking Defense   - Balance   -
Boxing   - Ground n Pound   -      
Muay Thai   - Takedown Off   -      
Wrestling   - Takedown Def   -      
BJJ   - Submissions   -      
      Defensive Grap   -      
      Transitions   -      
      Escapes   -      
Currently wearing

Clean Rite Laundry
BRAZEN - Fight Gear

MMA Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  
L Nikolai Ignatiev Decision (Split) GAMMA#1054 Oliver v Adrian 2024-04-13 185 3 05:00 view
L Keith Rodgers Submission (Armbar) GAMMA#1036 Beau v Wrecks 2024-01-13 185 3 04:56 view
L Lathem McGuire TKO (Strikes) GAMMA#1030 Danny v Surianglek 2023-12-09 185 3 01:34 view
L Summa Sector Decision (Unanimous) GAMMA#1024 Karim v Tungsten 2023-11-11 185 3 05:00 view
W Jin Yi Submission (Armbar) GAMMA#1019 Herbert v Beau 2023-10-07 185 3 04:56 view
L Milo Andrianakis KO (Strikes) GAMMA#1015 Sitsongrit v Grimm 2023-09-09 185 2 03:20 view
W Abdo Farah TKO (Cut) GAMMA#1011 Riker v Kreischer 2023-08-12 185 2 03:55 view
L Wilfred Ainsworth Decision (Split) GAMMA#1006 Jack v Joseph 2023-07-08 185 3 05:00 view
W Manny Johnson Submission (Kneebar) GAMMA#1003 Orlando v Aurelius 2023-06-17 185 2 02:29 view
W Tyson Law Decision (Unanimous) GAMMA#999 Tai v Cressbeckler 2023-05-20 185 3 05:00 view
L Razkan Karmax Decision (Unanimous) GAMMA#996 Jubei v Hugo 2023-04-29 170 3 05:00 view
L Dougal McCraken Decision (Unanimous) GAMMA#991 Joosep v Azor 2023-03-26 170 3 05:00 view
L Tam Yu Tai Decision (Unanimous) GAMMA#986 Moxley vs Akechi 2023-02-18 170 5 05:00 view
W Baldomir Barbosa Decision (Split) GAMMA#983 Augustus v Ainsworth 2023-01-28 170 3 05:00 view
L Tam Yu Tai Decision (Unanimous) GAMMA#979 Karim v Lovanov 2022-12-31 170 5 05:00 view
W Roland Weudke Decision (Majority) GAMMA#976 Akechi v Logan 2022-12-10 170 5 05:00 view
W Tam Yu Tai Decision (Majority) GAMMA#972 Lovanov v Husein 2022-11-12 170 3 05:00 view
W Demetrius Jackson Decision (Unanimous) GAMMA#968 Joosep v Song 2022-10-15 170 3 05:00 view
W Micah Frank Submission (Kimura) GC 455: Frank VS Camble 2022-09-02 170 1 03:48 view
W Michael Fochi Decision (Unanimous) GC 444: Simmons VS Canada 2022-07-16 170 3 05:00 view
W Big Daddy KO (Punches) GC 434: Hall VS McGuire 2022-06-04 170 1 01:39 view
W Nick Andros Submission (RNC) GC 427:Oosthuizen VS Lentz 2022-04-23 170 1 03:55 view
L Leon Lentz Decision (Unanimous) GC 421 Garrett vs. Tanahashi 2022-03-12 170 3 05:00 view
W Tapio Virtainen KO (Punch) GDL 140: Egyptian VS Evans 2022-02-12 170 2 00:25 view
L Michael Fochi Decision (Unanimous) GDL 137: Reed VS Chisaki 2022-01-22 170 3 05:00 view
L Jan Raczynski TKO (Strikes) GDL 131: Raczynski VS Camble 2021-12-11 170 4 00:55 view
W Barion Montgomery Submission (Kimura) GDL 124: Daddy VS Fouchi II 2021-10-23 170 2 00:59 view
W Daniel Silva Submission (RNC) GDL 121: Daddy VS Fochi 2021-10-02 170 1 04:56 view
W Darius Frank Decision (Unanimous) GDL 117: Biden VS Kogos 2021-09-04 170 3 05:00 view
L Big Daddy Submission (Armbar) GDL 114: Camble VS Daddy 2021-08-14 170 1 00:22 view
W Darryl Haze TKO (Strikes) GDL 108: Submission VS Camble 2021-07-03 170 2 03:56 view
W Guy McMann Submission (Kimura) GDL 96: McMann VS Camble 2021-05-15 170 1 01:21 view
W Chasen West TKO (Strikes) GDL 89: West VS Camble 2021-04-10 170 1 04:58 view
NC TySon Dragon No Contest Madness Insanity Vol 8 2021-03-10 170 1 00:00 view
W Abigg Chungus Submission (Kimura) Madness Insanity Vol 5 2021-02-17 170 1 02:06 view
NC Rick Higgins No Contest Madness Insanity Vol. 2 2021-01-27 170 1 00:00 view

Buzz at Mike "Motown Madman" Camble (Logged in as )
Boryenka Stepanov
Boryenka Stepanov replied to Mike Camble's Buzz buzzed at Mike Camble

You are on a 3 loss streak and are currently ranked below me PFP (Apr 30, 2023)

view conversation »
Mike "Motown Madman" Camble's recent buzzes
Mike Camble replied to Boryenka Stepanov's Buzz buzzed at Boryenka Stepanov
So does that make you think you could beat me? You think your PFP can get you a contract in a top 3 org? It doesn't mean anything. You will never have the courage to fight real competition  (Apr 30, 2023)
Mike Camble replied to Boryenka Stepanov's Buzz buzzed at Boryenka Stepanov
Can't achieve? Youre almost 30 and dont have a single win in a top 10 org. some worthless belt from a rinky dink org and the only decent guy you fought beat you. Youre just a loud mouth with wins over a bunch of tomato cans. (Apr 30, 2023)
Come check out #GAMMA986, it looks to be a massive card with 3 titles on the line! With the 145, 155 and 170 Champs going at it you gotta watch the trilogy between myself and Tam Yu Tai, its gonna be a war! (Feb 18, 2023)
Mike Camble replied to Micah Frank's Buzz buzzed at Micah Frank
Hell yea man, lets put on a show! (Aug 05, 2022)

No training.

Recent Events

2024-06-27- Mike Camble celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
2024-04-03- Mike Camble celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
2024-01-09- Mike Camble celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
2023-11-08- Bought BZN - Muay Thai Shorts V2 - Black / Red for $100 at BRAZEN - Fight Gear
2023-10-16- Mike Camble celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
2023-07-23- Mike Camble celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
2023-07-13- Bought BZN - Muay Thai Shorts V2 - White and Gold for $100 at BRAZEN - Fight Gear
2023-06-12- Bought Laundry for $300 at Elle’s Clothes and Stuff
2023-05-28- Bought 160Q DNP Weight Gain for $99 at The Dirty Needle Project
2023-05-22- Bought Laundry for $300 at Elle’s Clothes and Stuff

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