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Olan Zapina (386223)

Mixed Martial Arts Fighter - Olan Zapina
Record 15-13-0 (W-L-D)
Wins 14 (T)KOs (93.33%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
1 Decisions (6.67%)
Losses 2 (T)KOs (15.38%)
7 Subs (53.85%)
4 Decisions (30.77%)
Next Fight Chrissy Moltisanti
Song None
Height 174 cm
Weight 150 lbs
Can cut to 136.7 lbs
Age 34
Hometown ny
Country United States
Location New York
Base New York
Manager Paulo Esquilo
Bank Balance $258,236.80
Alliance   -
Highest Rank 417 MMA
Creation Date 4th May 2022
Olan has Superb boxing, Sensational Muay Thai, Wonderful wrestling and holds a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Awards: Fight of the night: 1 ($3,000)   KO of the night: 5 ($16,500)   
Weight: 86 P4P: 913
0 Days Cuts 0 Days

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Wrestler Wayfare [7403] Shadow Realm Apparel [6792]
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Fighter Bio

Boxing   - Punches   - Agility   -
Muay Thai   - Kicks   - Flexbility   -
Wrestling   - Elbows   - Speed   -
BJJ   - Knees   - Strength   -
      Clinchwork   - Conditioning   -
Sparring   Worth Striking Defense   - Balance   -
Boxing   - Ground n Pound   -      
Muay Thai   - Takedown Off   -      
Wrestling   - Takedown Def   -      
BJJ   - Submissions   -      
      Defensive Grap   -      
      Transitions   -      
      Escapes   -      
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Brooklyn Threads
Brooklyn Threads

MMA Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  
W Robert Gracie TKO (Strikes) CCC 45 : Belyaev vs Cizek 2024-06-30 145 3 01:33 view
L Lee Huang Decision (Unanimous) CCC 37 : Hernandez vs Eclaro 2024-06-15 145 3 05:00 view
L Frank Hernandez Submission (Strikes) CCC 29 : Hernandez vs Zapina 2024-05-18 145 4 04:56 view
W Richard Hall KO (Punch) HRL76 2024-04-06 265+ 1 00:24 view
W Richard Hall TKO (Kick & Punches) HRL71 2024-03-23 265+ 1 04:59 view
L Marlon Raynard Decision (Unanimous) HRL63 2024-02-24 265+ 3 05:00 view
L Small Richard Submission (Triangle) HRL58 2024-02-03 145 1 02:59 view
L Small Richard Submission (Triangle Choke) HRL54 2024-01-20 145 1 01:45 view
L Small Dayton Submission (Armbar) HRL49 2024-01-06 145 1 01:19 view
W Lyman Hicks TKO (Strikes) HRL48 2023-12-30 145 1 03:36 view
W Dan Diego TKO (Strikes) HFC 74:John vs Marek 2023-11-18 145 2 04:10 view
W Mike Chandler KO (Head Kick) HFC 68:Handerson vs Smooth 2023-10-07 145 2 01:56 view
L Johnny Slater TKO (Strikes) HFC 63: Hunter vs Inhanamoto 2023-09-02 145 3 03:47 view
L Katsu Yamasaki Submission (Kimura) HFC 59:Inhanamoto vs Mferi 2023-08-05 145 1 00:55 view
W Jackson Hole Decision (Unanimous) HFC 54:Kangee vs Apolo 2023-07-01 145 3 05:00 view
W Dave Thompson KO (Head Kick) HFC 52: Sidorov vs Chai 2023-06-10 145 1 00:35 view
W Evert Norddahl TKO (Strikes) HFC 49:Mogh vs Saneuji 2 2023-05-20 145 1 00:49 view
W Yuri Klitschko KO (Head Kick) HFC Fight Night 7 2023-04-19 145 3 00:22 view
L Ernesto Romero Decision (Unanimous) HFC 38:Taranin vs Caceres 2023-03-04 145 3 05:00 view
L Maksim Taranin Submission (Kimura) HFC 31:Taranin vs Zapina 2023-01-14 145 1 04:27 view
L Rickson Caceres Submission (Armbar) HFC 26:Raynard vs Eye 2022-12-10 145 1 00:42 view
W Josh Iverson TKO (Strikes) HFC 23:Fleming vs Krabutov 2022-11-19 145 2 00:42 view
L Samuel Cooke Submission (Kimura) Quick Fight Championship 2022-10-22 145 1 01:08 view
L Jacob Handler Decision (Unanimous) Big Wave XI 2022-08-06 155 5 05:00 view
W Kalliyan Dith TKO (Cut) Big Wave 6 2022-07-02 155 3 03:37 view
W Sir Biggles Borthroyd TKO (Cut) Big Wave Big Man Tournament Fi 2022-06-11 155 1 03:15 view
W Todd Mills TKO (Cut) Quick Fight Championship 2022-05-09 145 1 00:50 view
W Brendan Armbrust Submission (Strikes) Quick Fight Championship 2022-05-06 145 1 00:39 view

Buzz at Olan Zapina (Logged in as )
Jacob Handler
Jacob Handler buzzed at Olan Zapina

Tomorrow I’m gonna slam Olan Zapina on his neck and smash him, that title is gonna look good on my waist. Better be ready. #EvilIntentions (Aug 06, 2022)

view conversation »

Current Gym : Brooklyn Mixed Martial Arts
Weekly Gym Fees : $ 1000  
Gym Quality : Brand new  

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Recent Events

2024-06-07- Olan Zapina celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
2024-05-23- Bought Mo Money Black S for $30 at Brooklyn Threads
2024-05-23- Bought Mo Money Black T for $30 at Brooklyn Threads
2024-05-01- Bought High Energy Pro 160Q for $100 at Brooklyn Apothecary
2024-04-11- Bought Mo Money Black S for $30 at Brooklyn Threads
2024-04-11- Bought Mo Money Black T for $30 at Brooklyn Threads
2024-04-04- Bought High Energy Pro 160Q for $100 at Brooklyn Apothecary
2024-03-14- Olan Zapina celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
2023-12-20- Olan Zapina celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
2023-09-26- Olan Zapina celebrated his birthday - 31 today!

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