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"Золота дитина" Andrei Kersikov (367165) - Retired

Mixed Martial Arts Fighter - Andrei Kersikov
Record 29-11-0 (W-L-D)
Wins 28 (T)KOs (96.55%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
1 Decisions (3.45%)
Losses 5 (T)KOs (45.45%)
1 Subs (9.09%)
5 Decisions (45.45%)
Next Fight None
Song None
Height 201 cm
Weight 269 lbs
Can cut to 244.3 lbs
Age 34
Hometown Kyiv
Country Ukraine
Location Bahamas
Base Bahamas
Manager Retired
Bank Balance $437,726.80
Alliance   -
Highest Rank 1 MMA
Creation Date 27th Aug 2020
Andrei has Elite boxing, Elite Muay Thai, Elite wrestling and holds a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Awards: Fight of the night: 7 ($87,000)   KO of the night: 9 ($105,000)   
Weight: NA P4P: 0
0 Days Cuts 0 Days

Sponsored by
NARCOS [6933] Kersikov's Vitamin Clinic (160) [6714]
Contracted to Trophies
Fighter is not signed to a Mixed Martial Arts Organization

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Fighter Bio
Andrei's eldest son, and also the eldest in the second generation of Kersikovs. Andrei was blessed with the physical gifts his father never had. He is considered the golden child of the next generation of Kersikovs, however the twins wouldn't take too kindly to that.

DMMA Heavyweight Champion
WVT Openweight champion
Combate HW Champion
#1 P4P fighter

Boxing   - Punches   - Agility   -
Muay Thai   - Kicks   - Flexbility   -
Wrestling   - Elbows   - Speed   -
BJJ   - Knees   - Strength   -
      Clinchwork   - Conditioning   -
Sparring   Worth Striking Defense   - Balance   -
Boxing   - Ground n Pound   -      
Muay Thai   - Takedown Off   -      
Wrestling   - Takedown Def   -      
BJJ   - Submissions   -      
      Defensive Grap   -      
      Transitions   -      
      Escapes   -      
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MMA Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  

Managed by Don Frye (60227)
L Danyaal Zahedi KO (Punch) DMMA 323 Kersikov vs Zahedi 2024-06-15 265 1 04:59 view
W Alexus Argento TKO (Strikes) DMMA 316 Kersikov vs Argento 2024-05-12 265 4 02:26 view
W Adeboye Temidare KO (Head Kick) DMMA 310 Temidare vs Kersikov 2024-04-21 265 1 00:45 view
W John Boy Walton KO (Head Kick) DMMA 305 Temidare vs Okongwu 2 2024-03-30 265 1 02:31 view
L Mauro Okongwu Decision (Unanimous) DMMA 300 Kersikov vs Okongwu 2024-03-10 265 3 05:00 view
W Tali Ihantala TKO (Strikes) WVT 221: Minoru v Godwin 2024-02-09 265+ 2 00:35 view
W Sven Torvik KO (Punches) WVT 212: Mahogany v Simone 2 2024-01-19 265+ 3 03:14 view
L Nuufo Seanoa Submission (Kimura) WVT 207: Haggar v Le Franc 2024-01-06 265+ 2 02:30 view
W Ernesto Mathieu Decision (Unanimous) WVT 199: Mathieu v Andrei 2023-12-16 265+ 3 05:00 view
L Mike Haggar Decision (Unanimous) WVT 189: Andrei v Hagger 3 2023-11-25 265+ 5 05:00 view
W Noah Anderson KO (Strikes) WVT 184: Anderson v Andrei 2023-11-11 265+ 1 01:53 view
W Clarence Hoost TKO (Cut) C239: Hoost vs Kersikov 2023-10-15 265 3 03:48 view
W Gothic Line TKO (Strikes) C234: Hoost vs Haggar II 2023-09-24 265 1 02:10 view
L Alborz Mumu TKO (Strikes) C226: Doomsday vs Marciano 2023-09-03 265 1 04:26 view
L Mike Haggar TKO (Strikes) C223: Haggar vs Kersikov II 2023-08-20 265 1 03:50 view
W Noah Anderson KO (Punch) Sucker Punch Pro Series 275 2023-08-11 265 1 03:31 view
W Malcolm Rivera TKO (Strikes) C216: Kersikov vs Rivera 2023-07-30 265 1 02:10 view
L Mike Haggar TKO (Strikes) C212: Kersikov vs Haggar 2023-07-16 265 1 03:27 view
W Billy Blank KO (Punch) C206: Kersikov vs Blank 2023-07-02 265 2 02:39 view
W Maximilian Bonaparte KO (Punches) C199: Bonaparte vs Kersikov 2023-06-11 265 3 02:41 view
W Mauro Okongwu KO (Punch) C195: Kersikov vs Okongwu 2023-05-28 265 2 03:55 view
W Karim Johnson KO (Punch) WVT 87: Andrei v Karim 2023-04-01 265+ 4 04:42 view
W Tali Ihantala KO (Spinning Backfist) WVT 80: Ihantala v Kersikov 2023-03-11 265+ 1 03:17 view
W Gregory Motts KO (Punches) WVT 71: Kersikov v Motts 2023-02-11 265+ 1 01:35 view
W ZaDarius Haden TKO (Strikes) Sucker Punch Pro Series 225 2023-01-21 265 1 01:59 view
W Ted Bundy TKO (Strikes) Sucker Punch Pro Series 215 2022-12-18 265 1 04:55 view
L Noah Anderson TKO (Strikes) Sucker Punch Pro Series 205 2022-11-20 265 3 01:34 view
W Parta Matti KO (Punch) Sucker Punch Pro Series 193 2022-10-12 265 1 01:39 view
W Saul Goodman KO (Punch) OFK 228 - Okafor Vs Tiramanti 2022-09-11 265 2 03:44 view
W Radio Philips TKO (Strikes) OFK 220 - Okafor Vs Spice 2022-08-14 265 1 01:18 view
L Bento Barboza Decision (Unanimous) DMMA 121 Grant vs Nansen 2 2022-07-10 265 3 05:00 view
W Never Hurry TKO (Strikes) DMMA 108 Tucker vs Niculescu 2022-05-28 265 1 03:26 view
L Jason Hightower Decision (Unanimous) DMMA 98: Kersikov vs Hightower 2022-04-16 265 5 05:00 view
W Bento Barboza TKO (Strikes) DMMA 90: Barboza vs Kersikov 2022-03-13 265 1 03:22 view
W Kevin Faulk TKO (Strikes) DMMA 79: Tucker vs Hasselhoff 2022-01-30 265 1 00:52 view
W Jules Durand KO (Punches) DMMA 72: Abarai vs Ekelund 2022-01-05 265 1 02:21 view
W Maverick Diaz KO (Punch) DMMA 63: Pinkman vs Kofel 2021-12-04 265 2 00:16 view
W Michael Rogue TKO (Strikes) DMMA 55: Pinkman vs Kamenev 2021-10-30 265 1 00:37 view
W Art Bowers TKO (Strikes) DMMA 45: Tucker vs Account 2021-09-18 265 2 03:43 view
L Project Epsilon Decision (Unanimous) ROCK FC: Rookie Trials 2020-09-15 265 1 03:00 view

Buzz at "Золота дитина" Andrei Kersikov (Logged in as )
Combate buzzed at Andrei Kersikov

Congratulations to Andrei Kersikov and his fight team at KFA on recapturing the Combate Heavyweight title. (Oct 15, 2023)

view conversation »

No training.

Recent Events

2024-06-15- Retired to Bahamas by Don Frye [60227]
2024-06-02- Bought Choke Shorts for $29 at Fantasy Threads
2024-05-18- Andrei Kersikov celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
2024-05-10- received SILVERBACK Elite Energy from manager.
2024-03-29- Bought Choke Shorts for $29 at Fantasy Threads
2024-03-16- Bought Team Django Shorts for $30 at Brooklyn Threads
2024-03-11- Bought Choke Shorts for $29 at Fantasy Threads
2024-02-29- received SILVERBACK Elite Energy from manager.
2024-02-23- Andrei Kersikov celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
2024-02-22- Bought Team Django Shorts for $30 at Brooklyn Threads

Previous Managers

Don Frye

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