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Daniel "Double D" Dimitrov (303920) - Retired

Mixed Martial Arts Fighter - Daniel Dimitrov
MMA 29-16-0 (W-L-D)
MMA Wins 29 (T)KOs (100.00%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
0 Decisions (0.00%)
MMA Losses 13 (T)KOs (81.25%)
1 Subs (6.25%)
2 Decisions (12.50%)
KT Record 14-15-0 (W-L-D)
KT Wins 14 (T)KOs (100.00%)
0 Decisions (0.00%)
KT Losses 15 (T)KOs (100.00%)
0 Decisions (0.00%)
TWGC 2-1
Next Fight None
Song Drake - Energy
Height 203 cm
Weight 281 lbs
Can cut to 257.8 lbs
Age 53
Hometown Varna
Country Bulgaria
Location Helsinki
Base Helsinki
Manager Retired
Bank Balance $3,000.00
Alliance   -
Highest Rank 78 MMA / 6 KT
Creation Date 2nd Oct 2016
Daniel has Exceptional boxing, Exceptional Muay Thai, Remarkable wrestling and holds a white belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Awards: Fight of the night: 5 ($8,200)   KO of the night: 9 ($22,000)   
Weight: NA P4P: 0
0 Days Cuts 0 Days
Kickboxing Hype
  KT Rank
Weight: NA P4P: NA
Grappling Hype
  Grap Rank
Weight: NA P4P: 0

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Contracted to Trophies
Fighter is not signed to a Mixed Martial Arts Organization

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Fighter Bio

Boxing   - Punches   - Agility   -
Muay Thai   - Kicks   - Flexbility   -
Wrestling   - Elbows   - Speed   -
BJJ   - Knees   - Strength   -
      Clinchwork   - Conditioning   -
Sparring   Worth Striking Defense   - Balance   -
Boxing   - Ground n Pound   -      
Muay Thai   - Takedown Off   -      
Wrestling   - Takedown Def   -      
BJJ   - Submissions   -      
      Defensive Grap   -      
      Transitions   -      
      Escapes   -      
Currently wearing

Velocity Fightwear

MMA Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  

Managed by Ken Noonie (122077)
L Joao Cajo Branca TKO (Strikes) Syn 767 2020-12-20 265 2 01:54 view
L Maxim Menshikov TKO (Strikes) Syn Brak vs Tower 2 2020-11-01 265 1 03:48 view
W Alexandru Mircea TKO (Strikes) Syn 719 2020-09-27 265 1 02:33 view
L Erik Friedrichsen TKO (Strikes) Syn Timewave Zero 2020-08-23 265 1 01:56 view
L Fanta Coco KO (Punches) CFC 430 2020-07-17 265 2 02:59 view
W Vincent Lemieux TKO (Strikes) PF27 Dimitrov v Lemieux 2020-06-27 265 1 04:15 view
W Radio Philips TKO (Strikes) PF19 Dimitrov v Philips 2020-06-06 265 1 01:48 view
W Samuel Nti TKO (Cut) PF13 Nti v Dimitrov 2020-05-16 265 1 03:51 view
W Doug Glatt TKO (Strikes) PF8 Ky Jr v Bush 2020-05-02 265 1 01:08 view
W Jean Paul Garcon KO (Punch) PF5 Nti v Coco 2020-04-18 265 2 03:46 view
W Schmorgen Biscuit TKO (Strikes) PFC 164 McGuire vs Semenko 2020-03-22 265 1 02:35 view
L Yuvraj Singh Decision (Split) PFC 158 Grabber vs Tuala III 2020-02-23 265 3 05:00 view
L Titan Reign Decision (Unanimous) PFC 152 Aiken vs Yoshida 2020-01-25 265 3 05:00 view
W Justin Biggs KO (Punch) PFC 146 Wright vs Hepple 2019-12-22 265 1 04:13 view
L Aapeli Vipunen TKO (Punches) PFC 137 Tuala vs Nao 2019-11-08 265 2 01:30 view
L Peleki Tuala TKO (Strikes) PFC 133 Tuala vs Dmitrov 2019-10-19 265 1 03:13 view
W Ricky Bobby Jr TKO (Strikes) PFC 125 Tuala vs Lach 2019-08-31 265 1 04:05 view
W Solomon Nao KO (Punch) PFC 119 Bathory vs Jacobson 2019-07-27 265 1 03:23 view
W Red Brophy KO (Punch) PFC 115 Slurper vs Reid 2019-07-07 265 1 02:48 view
W Lyle Alzado TKO (Strikes) PFC 108 Mirage vs Soszynski 2019-06-02 265 2 01:33 view
L Michael Brakeley TKO (Punch and Knee) PFC 100 The Culmination 2019-04-21 265 1 03:25 view
W Gniewomir Lach KO (Head Kick) PFC 96 Nao vs Tuala 2019-03-30 265 2 03:50 view

Managed by Jake Fury (112888)
W Sendou Kitano KO (Flying Knee) PFC 83 Semenko vs Stein 2019-01-12 265 1 04:30 view

Managed by Shinya Aoki (60078)
L Link Gaetz KO (Punch) PFC 78 Andreev vs Darkk 2018-12-08 265 1 03:05 view
W Tinashe Chukwuma TKO (Strikes) PFC 73 Andreev vs Karimov 2018-11-10 265 2 00:05 view
L Nick Cotton Submission (Kimura) PFC 65 Cotton vs Dmitrov 2018-09-29 265 1 02:57 view
W Ricky Bobby Jr KO (Punch) PFC 60 Reich vs Com* 2018-09-01 265 1 02:57 view

Managed by Alex K. (84400)
L Link Gaetz KO (Strikes) PFC 55 Alzheimer vs Jackal* 2018-08-04 265 1 01:12 view
W David Allan Coe KO (Punch) PFC 50 John vs Boone 2018-07-07 265 2 01:18 view

Managed by Jake Fury (112888)
L Scott John KO (Punch) PFC 46 Fresh Blood* 2018-06-16 265 1 02:49 view
W Red Brophy TKO (Strikes) PFC 41 Brophy vs Dmitrov 2018-05-19 265 2 04:30 view
W Sendou Kitano TKO (Strikes) PFC 33 Yamaguchi vs Darkk II 2018-04-14 265 1 03:21 view
L Rocco Marciano TKO (Strikes) Gladiators 77 Rocco v Daniel 2018-02-16 265 2 04:07 view
W Yohan Francis TKO (Strikes) Gladiators 74 Snot v Murphy 2018-01-27 265 1 04:17 view
W Kyle Goose TKO (Strikes) Gladiators 65 Wesley v Rocco 2 2017-12-16 265 2 01:29 view
W Chris Runt KO (Punch) FFA 39: Psychosis 2017-10-06 265 1 02:11 view
W David Allan Coe TKO (Strikes) FFA 36: Revolution 2017-09-08 265 1 01:06 view
W Norman Stebson TKO (Strikes) FFA 31: Relentless 2017-07-28 265 3 03:56 view
W Howlin Wolf KO (Punch) FFA 29: 2017-07-14 265 1 02:08 view
L Cracker Barrel KO (Punch) RFC 43: Set It Off 2017-05-06 265 1 02:40 view
W Joel Garcia KO (Punch) RFC 39: Grudge Match 2017-04-08 265 1 00:16 view
L Haider Ali TKO (Punches) LFC 26 2017-03-11 265 5 03:56 view
W Iwan Ochrymiuk TKO (Strikes) LFC 24 2017-02-26 265 2 01:23 view
W Okolo Nanou TKO (Punches) LFC 18 2017-01-21 265 1 01:15 view
W Muhammad Bello KO (Punch) LFC 11 2016-12-17 265 1 00:25 view

Kickboxing Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  

Managed by Dalvarius Helgarion (80392)
L Lee Van Camp TKO (Head Kick) AFK 87 2023-04-01 265 1 01:14 view
L Arild Ringnes KO (Punch) AKF 82 2023-02-18 265+ 1 01:20 view
W Roboute Guilliman KO (Punches) AKF 79 2023-02-04 265+ 1 01:57 view
L Riley Knox KO (Strikes) AFK 74 2022-12-10 265+ 1 01:24 view
W Roboute Guilliman KO (Head Kick) AKF 72 | Addition vs. Silva 2 2022-12-02 265+ 2 01:32 view
L Tom Obama KO (Head Kick) AKF 71 - Starting Over 2022-11-12 265+ 1 01:33 view
L Arild Ringnes TKO (Punch) AKF 67 | Beukeboom vs. Knox 2022-09-10 265+ 3 01:16 view
L Grivnindal Doomclaw KO (Punch) AKF 65 2022-08-20 265+ 1 02:15 view
L Thom Tharrier KO (Punch) AKF FN | Tharrier vs. Dimitrov 2022-08-05 265+ 1 02:58 view
L Dru Quick KO (Punch) AKF FN | Dimitrov vs. Quick 2022-07-15 265+ 1 01:22 view
W Johnny Waldron TKO (Punch) AKF 56 | Akira vs. RooMan 2022-06-25 265+ 1 01:34 view
L Draughn Diego TKO (Punch) AKF 55 | Durand vs. Redfist 2022-06-04 265+ 1 02:56 view
L Tom Obama TKO (Punch) AKF 53 | Obama vs. Dimitrov 2022-05-21 265+ 1 01:51 view
W Taz Bandichoo KO (Punch) AKF 50 | Turner vs. Scorpion 2022-04-30 265+ 1 02:37 view
L Brian Upchurch TKO (Punches) AKF 46 | Akira vs. Morrison 2022-04-02 265+ 2 00:05 view
W Kenny Tchusuk KO (Punches) AKF 40 | Dimitrov vs. Tchusuk 2022-02-19 265+ 1 02:55 view
W Arild Ringnes KO (Punch) AKF 36 | Beukeboom vs. Fischer 2022-01-22 265+ 2 02:45 view
L Jacques Durand KO (Head Kick) AKF 32 | Dimitrov vs. Durand 2 2021-12-25 265+ 3 03:56 view
W Jacques Durand TKO (Punches) AKF 29 | Durand vs. Dimitrov 2021-12-04 265+ 2 00:05 view
W Remy Valentine KO (Punches) AKF 27 | Zy vs. Rram 2021-11-20 265+ 1 01:07 view
W Jon Erikson KO (Punches) AKF 22 | Turner vs. Zy 2021-10-16 265+ 1 00:45 view

Managed by Cody W (6712)
W Thom Tharrier KO (Punch) AKF 16 | Cobb vs. Robbins 2021-09-04 265+ 1 01:31 view
L Nikolai Magomedov TKO (Punch) AKF 12 | Duanesboy vs. Rram 2021-08-07 265+ 1 01:30 view
W Dmitri Zaitsev KO (Punch) Ambush 9 2021-07-17 265+ 1 02:34 view
L Big Bobby TKO (Punch) SYN K1 6/25 2021-06-25 265+ 1 01:38 view
W Jon Erikson TKO (Punches) SYN K1 6/11 2021-06-11 265+ 1 02:09 view
W Chester Greenburg TKO (Punches) SYN K1 5/28 2021-05-28 265+ 1 01:24 view
W Chester Greenburg TKO (Cut) SYN K-11 2021-04-30 265+ 1 01:53 view
L Oson Bon TKO (Punch) SYN K-1 六 2021-02-19 265+ 1 01:32 view

Grappling Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C  
L Super Meat Boy Decision TWGC 33 (265lbs, D2): Finals - Round 1 2021-05-18 265 view
W James McGuire Decision TWGC 33 (265lbs, D2): London Qualifier - Round 2 2021-05-11 265 view
W Mako Akumba Decision TWGC 33 (265lbs, D2): London Qualifier - Round 1 2021-05-10 265 view

Buzz at Daniel "Double D" Dimitrov (Logged in as )
No one buzzed at this fighter. Be the first to buzz at him!
Daniel "Double D" Dimitrov's recent buzzes
Daniel Dimitrov buzzed at Haider Ali
Great fight! Thought I have won it until you landed a lucky shot 1 minute before the end! Congrats for the title and good luck defending it in the future. Hope we meet again someday. (Mar 12, 2017)

No training.

Recent Events

2024-11-24- Daniel Dimitrov celebrated his birthday - 53 today!
2024-08-31- Daniel Dimitrov celebrated his birthday - 52 today!
2024-06-07- Daniel Dimitrov celebrated his birthday - 51 today!
2024-03-14- Daniel Dimitrov celebrated his birthday - 50 today!
2023-12-20- Daniel Dimitrov celebrated his birthday - 49 today!
2023-09-26- Daniel Dimitrov celebrated his birthday - 48 today!
2023-07-03- Daniel Dimitrov celebrated his birthday - 47 today!
2023-04-09- Daniel Dimitrov celebrated his birthday - 46 today!
2023-01-14- Daniel Dimitrov celebrated his birthday - 45 today!
2022-10-21- Daniel Dimitrov celebrated his birthday - 44 today!

Previous Managers

Jake Fury Alex K. Jake Fury Ken Noonie Cody W
Dalvarius Helgarion

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