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Bardia "The Fisherman" Farrokhzad (350088)

Mixed Martial Arts Fighter - Bardia Farrokhzad
MMA 30-26-0 (W-L-D)
MMA Wins 28 (T)KOs (93.33%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
2 Decisions (6.67%)
MMA Losses 21 (T)KOs (80.77%)
3 Subs (11.54%)
2 Decisions (7.69%)
KT Record 21-5-0 (W-L-D)
KT Wins 14 (T)KOs (66.67%)
7 Decisions (33.33%)
KT Losses 2 (T)KOs (40.00%)
3 Decisions (60.00%)
Next Fight None
Song Rastak - Hele Mali (Iranian Fisherman Folk Song)
Height 170 cm
Weight 148 lbs
Can cut to 133.9 lbs
Age 42
Hometown Jask
Country Iran
Location Las Vegas
Base Las Vegas
Manager Buff Minion
Bank Balance $2,711,440.80
Alliance   Don Frye Fight Alliance
Highest Rank 128 MMA / 2 KT
Creation Date 4th Apr 2022
Bardia has Elite boxing, Elite Muay Thai, Sensational wrestling and holds a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Awards: Fight of the night: 14 ($90,000)   KO of the night: 4 ($24,500)   
Weight: 254 P4P: 3046
4 Days Cuts 0 Days
Kickboxing Hype
  KT Rank
Weight: 1 P4P: 5

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Mixed Martial Arts Sponsorship
135 lbs, STRIKE!135 lbs, STRIKE!
Contracted to Trophies
STRIKE! [7357]

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Fighter Bio
Iranian fisherman turned Mixed Martial Artist. Local fishermen & dockworkers say they've witnessed him dive into the sea, catch a massive fish with his bare hands, & kill it underwater all in one breath. Suspected trafficker for the Kartila Madan. [IQ 86] Career Highlights: ACE Fighting League FW, World Combat League BW/FW, Saudia Arabian Fight Org BW/FW, & STRIKE! KT BW/FW Champion.

Boxing   - Punches   - Agility   -
Muay Thai   - Kicks   - Flexbility   -
Wrestling   - Elbows   - Speed   -
BJJ   - Knees   - Strength   -
      Clinchwork   - Conditioning   -
Sparring   Worth Striking Defense   - Balance   -
Boxing   - Ground n Pound   -      
Muay Thai   - Takedown Off   -      
Wrestling   - Takedown Def   -      
BJJ   - Submissions   -      
      Defensive Grap   -      
      Transitions   -      
      Escapes   -      
Currently wearing

UnderGround Clothing Co.
UnderGround Clothing Co.

MMA Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  
W Agnieszka Ostrowski TKO (Knees) DMMA 249 Nickel vs Widenose 2023-10-15 135 1 02:45 view
L Frank Rizzo Decision (Unanimous) DMMA 241 Cortez vs Thorn 2023-09-24 135 3 05:00 view
L Kotaro Asakura TKO (Strikes) DMMA 232 Thorn vs Panda 2023-09-02 135 2 03:26 view
W Sandra Kluba TKO (Strikes) DMMA 224 Thorn vs Khan 2023-08-13 135 1 02:52 view
L Ricky Greene Submission (Guillotine) DMMA 216 Martin vs Shifter 2023-07-23 135 1 03:59 view
L Joe Biden TKO (Strikes) SYN 997 Randleman vs Wolf 2023-06-27 135 1 02:35 view
L Atticus Finch KO (Punch) SYN 989 Choke vs Randleman 2023-06-01 145 1 04:07 view
W Rick Richardson TKO (Knee & Punches) SYN 983 Choke vs. Danger 2023-05-10 145 2 02:57 view
L Colby Gebhardt KO (Superman Punch) SYN 976 Wolf vs. Krylov II 2023-04-14 145 1 01:22 view
L Gorgon Patriot TKO (Strikes) SYN 970 Kilgore vs. Minaur 3 2023-03-24 145 1 00:40 view
L Petchuanglek Sitsongrit TKO (Punches) SYN 964 Sitsongrit vs. Bardia 2023-03-03 145 2 04:27 view
W Colby Gebhardt Decision (Unanimous) SYN 959 Maluga vs. Olsen 2023-02-15 145 3 05:00 view
W Bjj Catch Wrestler TKO (Strikes) SYN 952 Minuar vs. Takahashi 2023-01-22 145 1 03:42 view
L Evan Duvernay TKO (Strikes) SYN 945 Krylov vs. Stark 2022-12-25 145 3 01:33 view
W Paulie Greene TKO (Knee & Punches) Sucker Punch Pro Series 211 2022-12-04 145 1 03:45 view
L Apophis Kalmisto TKO (Strikes) Sucker Punch Pro Series 203 2022-11-13 145 1 01:30 view
L Jihadi Joseph TKO (Strikes) Sucker Punch Pro Series 193 2022-10-12 145 1 01:13 view
W Tom Bickle TKO (Strikes) Sucker Punch Pro Series 183 2022-09-17 145 2 04:39 view
L Balagot Liu TKO (Strikes) Sucker Punch Pro Series 171 2022-08-14 145 1 03:09 view
L Diogo Jimenez Submission (Guillotine) CFC 501 2022-07-17 145 5 04:57 view
W Guilherme Goncalves KO (Punch) CFC 493: Tiotio v Outlaw 2 2022-06-19 145 1 04:22 view
L Diogo Jimenez Submission (Triangle Choke) CFC 485: Farrokhzad v Jimenez 2022-05-22 145 2 03:37 view
W Azacca Trounvouche TKO (Strikes) CFC 481: Trounvouche/Bardia F. 2022-05-08 145 2 04:55 view
W James Hackett TKO (Strikes) CFC 476: Jimenez v Nagasaki 2022-04-20 145 3 01:20 view
L Killer Kidd TKO (Strikes) Tycoon Olympics 2022 - Bantamweight QF 2022-04-06 135 2 03:09 view
L Ryan Anderson KO (Punch) WCF WNF 95: Shabazz vs Borgia 2022-03-02 135 1 01:57 view
W Dave Ashbourne Jr TKO (Strikes) WCF WNF 90: Woo vs Goncalves 3 2022-01-26 135 1 01:17 view
L Schmedgar Dimms TKO (Strikes) WCF 104:Christmas Day Massacre 2021-12-25 135 2 03:29 view
W Shu Fang Tzeng TKO (Strikes) WCF WNF 82: Tzeng vs Bardia 2021-12-01 135 3 02:20 view
W Claus Haba KO (Strikes) WCF 98: Tzeng vs Blackburn 2021-11-13 135 1 03:37 view
L Emiliano Blackburn TKO (Strikes) WCF 95: Sepi vs Jones 2021-10-23 135 3 01:07 view
L Juan Corona TKO (Strikes) WCF 91: Corona vs Bardia 2 2021-09-25 135 4 01:10 view
W Dragon Li Chai TKO (Strikes) WCF 87: Corona vs Benedetti 2 2021-08-28 135 1 04:53 view
W Bernie Sanders TKO (Strikes) WCF 83: Corona vs Bendetti 2021-07-30 135 1 03:31 view
L Lorenzo Benedetti Decision (Unanimous) WCF WNF 61: Decimal vs Corona 2021-07-07 135 3 05:00 view
L Juan Corona TKO (Strikes) WCF 75: Road vs Gordon 2021-06-05 135 3 03:58 view
L Dewey Decimal KO (Punches) WCF 72: Tofail vs Cortez 2 2021-05-15 135 1 00:55 view
W Harti Kraus TKO (Strikes) WCF WNF 48: Bardia vs Kraus 2021-04-07 135 1 03:41 view
W Denis Denisov TKO (Knee) WCF WNF 43: Bardia vs Denisov 2021-03-03 135 1 02:46 view
W Dragon Li Chai TKO (Strikes) WCF 57: Bardia vs Li Chai 2021-01-30 135 1 00:11 view
W Bernie Sanders TKO (Strikes) WCF 53: Bardia vs Sanders 2021-01-02 135 1 01:49 view
W Fumito Makino Submission (Strikes) WCF WNF 29: Bardia vs Makino 2020-11-25 135 1 00:56 view
W Dewey Decimal TKO (Strikes) Halloween on Hilo 2020-10-31 135 3 02:24 view
W Martian Manhunter TKO (Strikes) WCF WNF 19: Rua Bolsdeep 2020-09-16 135 1 01:58 view
L Bruce White Jr TKO (Strikes) WCF 34: White vs Farrokhzad 2 2020-08-15 145 1 01:31 view
L Bruce White Jr TKO (Strikes) WCF WNF 10:Farrokhzad vs White 2020-07-15 145 2 02:53 view
W Dee DeVon KO (Punch) WCF 25: Diaz vs Farrokhzad 2020-06-13 145 1 00:14 view
W Colton Ortiz TKO (Knees) WCF 21: Orion vs Diaz 2020-05-16 145 1 01:28 view
L Little Kitty Sripituksakul TKO (Strikes) SAFO 56 Mendoza v Anderson 2020-04-28 135 4 00:38 view
W Red Fox TKO (Strikes) SAFO 49: Roots 2020-03-28 135 1 01:30 view
W Yajson Rram Decision (Unanimous) SAFO 44 Turban v Bridges 2020-03-07 135 5 05:00 view
L Guilherme Goncalves TKO (Strikes) SAFO 39 Gracie vs Turban 2020-02-15 145 2 03:29 view
W Funky Lotus Style KO (Punch) SAFO 36 Gracie v Vilheimshauge 2020-01-25 145 1 01:14 view
W Funky Lotus Style TKO (Strikes) ACE18Lotus Style vs Farrokhazd 2019-12-27 145 1 01:08 view
W Alec Burns TKO (Strikes) ACE14 Aronna vs Gracie 2019-12-11 145 1 02:22 view
W TyLaw Diaz KO (Punch) ACE11 Lati vs King 2019-11-30 145 1 00:51 view

Kickboxing Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  
W Gordon Masten Decision (Unanimous) S60: Kreischer vs. Bozic 2025-03-22 145 5 03:00 view
L Gordon Masten Decision (Split) STRIKE! 56 2025-02-15 145 5 03:00 view
W Carlos Narvaez Decision (Unanimous) STRIKE! 54 2025-01-25 145 5 03:00 view
W Pee Wee Sasaki TKO (Punch) STRIKE! 52 2025-01-11 145 1 02:58 view
W Seung Joon TKO (Punch) STRIKE! 50 2024-12-28 145 2 02:15 view
L Carlos Narvaez Decision (Unanimous) STRIKE! 47 2024-12-07 145 5 03:00 view
W Marco Salamanca KO (Punch) STRIKE! 44 2024-11-16 145 2 02:06 view
W Ibrahim Cuntmara TKO (Strikes) STRIKE! 41 2024-10-26 145 2 02:54 view
W Pedro Gomez TKO (Punch) STRIKE! 39 2024-10-12 135 2 01:46 view
W Gordon Masten Decision (Unanimous) STRIKE! 37 2024-09-28 135 3 03:00 view
W Tommy Harinck TKO (Punch) STRIKE! 35 2024-09-14 135 3 00:45 view
L Carlos Narvaez TKO (Punch) STRIKE! 32 2024-08-24 135 5 01:57 view
W Carlos Narvaez TKO (Punch) STRIKE! 30 2024-08-10 135 3 02:59 view
L Carlos Narvaez TKO (Punch) STRIKE! 28 2024-07-27 135 3 02:25 view
W Koos Van Asch TKO (Punch) STRIKE! 26 2024-07-13 135 4 02:59 view
W Dean Clarke TKO (Punch) STRIKE! 23 2024-06-22 135 3 00:56 view
W Tommy Harinck TKO (Knee) STRIKE! 20 2024-06-08 135 2 01:33 view
W Ryan Anderson TKO (Punch) STRIKE! 17 2024-05-25 135 2 01:06 view
W Cheyenne Little Dove TKO (Punch) STRIKE! 13 2024-05-04 135 3 00:58 view
W Carlos Narvaez Decision (Unanimous) STRIKE! 9 2024-04-06 135 5 03:00 view
W Cheyenne Little Dove TKO (Knee) STRIKE! 7 2024-03-24 135 2 02:56 view
W Koos Van Asch Decision (Unanimous) STRIKE! 5 2024-03-10 135 5 03:00 view
W Pharoah The First Chai TKO (Punch) SSKT XIII 2024-02-19 145 2 00:24 view
W Anurak Bualuang Decision (Unanimous) H32 2023-12-10 145 3 03:00 view
L Carlos Narvaez Decision (Unanimous) H29 2023-11-26 145 3 03:00 view
W Franko De Cremonesi Decision (Unanimous) H24 2023-11-05 145 3 03:00 view

Buzz at Bardia "The Fisherman" Farrokhzad (Logged in as )
Juan Corona
Juan Corona buzzed at Bardia Farrokhzad

Also, big shout out to this amazing fighter Bardia Farrokhzad, I am glad for sharing the octagon with you twice! (Sep 27, 2021)

view conversation »
Bardia "The Fisherman" Farrokhzad's recent buzzes
Bardia Farrokhzad replied to Juan Corona's Buzz buzzed at Juan Corona
Always a pleasure sharing the cage with a true warrior! (Sep 28, 2021)
Bardia Farrokhzad replied to Harti Kraus's Buzz buzzed at Harti Kraus
Talk, talk, talk you will be smashed like all the rest. Praise Allah. (Mar 05, 2021)
Bardia Farrokhzad rebuzzed Mohammed Kahn's buzz
Mohammed Kahn
Allah is merciful, I am not. I kick the Sunni out of you soon Winston. (Jul 09, 2020)
Bardia Farrokhzad rebuzzed Golden Finch's buzz
Golden Finch
ACE News Alec Burns Vs Bardia Farrokhazd is a #1 contender fight to headline ACE18 at 145 , Yuhsuck Mi Vs Golden Sage (pending victory)to co main ACE18  (Dec 09, 2019)

Current Gym : Marty Robbin's Fight Ranch
Weekly Gym Fees : $ 1000  
Gym Quality : Brand new  

Recent Events

2025-03-21- received Marvelous Marvin Hagler Energy Injections from manager.
2025-01-19- Bardia Farrokhzad celebrated his birthday - 42 today!
2025-01-05- received Marvelous Marvin Hagler Energy Injections from manager.
2024-11-04- received Marvelous Marvin Hagler Energy Injections from manager.
2024-10-26- Bardia Farrokhzad celebrated his birthday - 41 today!
2024-08-27- received Marvelous Marvin Hagler Energy Injections from manager.
2024-08-02- Bardia Farrokhzad celebrated his birthday - 40 today!
2024-06-14- received Marvelous Marvin Hagler Energy Injections from manager.
2024-05-09- Bardia Farrokhzad celebrated his birthday - 39 today!
2024-04-04- received Marvelous Marvin Hagler Energy Injections from manager.

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