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Ryu Inhanamoto (387582)

Mixed Martial Arts Fighter - Ryu Inhanamoto
Record 15-2-0 (W-L-D)
Wins 14 (T)KOs (93.33%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
1 Decisions (6.67%)
Losses 2 (T)KOs (100.00%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
0 Decisions (0.00%)
Next Fight Orestes Prometheus
2024-07-28 Title Fight
Song None
Height 192 cm
Weight 265 lbs
Can cut to 241.1 lbs
Age 26
Hometown Tokyo
Country Japan
Location Sydney
Base Sydney
Manager Akira Shigeru
Bank Balance $878,000.00
Alliance   The Viper Club
Highest Rank 12 MMA
Creation Date 5th Jul 2022
Ryu has Elite boxing, Elite Muay Thai, Elite wrestling and holds a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Awards: Fight of the night: 1 ($10,000)   KO of the night: 3 ($30,000)   
Weight: 5 P4P: 43
0 Days Cuts 0 Days

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Fighter Bio
Ryu grew up in a rough part of Tokyo, where he and his older brother Giro faced daily struggles to survive. They often found themselves in fights with other kids in the neighborhood, but Giro was always there to protect Ryu. Inspired by his brother's martial arts skills, Ryu began training himself. The brothers became a formidable duo, winning local tournaments and gaining a reputation. Ryu's talent caught the eye of a TUF scout, and he was invited to try out. Ryu reached the TUF semifinal

Boxing   - Punches   - Agility   -
Muay Thai   - Kicks   - Flexbility   -
Wrestling   - Elbows   - Speed   -
BJJ   - Knees   - Strength   -
      Clinchwork   - Conditioning   -
Sparring   Worth Striking Defense   - Balance   -
Boxing   - Ground n Pound   -      
Muay Thai   - Takedown Off   -      
Wrestling   - Takedown Def   -      
BJJ   - Submissions   -      
      Defensive Grap   -      
      Transitions   -      
      Escapes   -      
Currently wearing


MMA Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  
W Adan Puno KO (Punch) SYN 1080 Kamara vs McCarthy V 2024-07-07 265 1 03:46 view
L Douglas Sampson TKO (Strikes) SYN 1071 Cruz vs Brown 2024-05-26 265 1 04:49 view
W Orestes Prometheus TKO (Strikes) Syn 1067 Ryo vs Orestes 2024-04-14 265 4 01:12 view
W Alexander Rozhkov KO (Punch) SYN 1064 Diggs vs McCarthy 2024-03-29 265 3 01:56 view
W Vasko Madzarov KO (Strikes) SYN 1060 Rozhkov vs Seigel 2024-03-03 265 2 00:05 view
W Methodios McIntyre KO (Punches) HFC 75:Standifer vs Leonidas 2023-11-25 265 1 00:52 view
W Dave Handerson Decision (Unanimous) HFC 71:Inhanamoto vs Handerson 2023-10-28 265 5 05:00 view
W Saul Hunter TKO (Strikes) HFC 63: Hunter vs Inhanamoto 2023-09-02 265 1 01:38 view
W Malig Mferi KO (Strikes) HFC 59:Inhanamoto vs Mferi 2023-08-05 265 1 02:27 view
W Dave Handerson TKO (Strikes) HFC 55:Handerson vs Inhanamoto 2023-07-08 265 4 04:24 view
W Kevin Taylor KO (Punch) HFC 51:Taranin vs Caceres 2 2023-06-03 265 1 00:41 view
W Conrad Cartwright KO (Punch) ICE 9: 2023-02-11 265 1 01:44 view
W Cooper Cartwright KO (Punch) ICE 5: UA KUDALAIA 2023-01-14 265 1 01:55 view
L Axmed Abdullah TKO (Cut) TUF S2: Semi Finals 2022-12-11 265 1 04:23 view
W Abelardo De Leon KO (Punch) TUF S2: Quarter Finals 2022-11-16 265 2 04:49 view
W Ramon De Bonifaz Jr TKO (Strikes) TUF S2: Round 2 2022-10-26 265 1 01:59 view
W Tiitus Gabor KO (Punch) TUF S2: Round 1, Day 2 2022-09-28 265 2 03:09 view

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Current Gym : Bushido Martial Arts
Weekly Gym Fees : $ 1000  
Gym Quality : Brand new  

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