MMA Tycoon Game

Best Public Gyms In The Game

MNO = money no object. Value score takes into account the gym's fees.
The score is calculated based on coaches, equipment quality and cleanliness, number of fighters per coach, the variety of training and fee in the case of the value score.

And just to remind everyone, for the millionth time, you do not need to have an elite coach to get maximum training, when the fighter is lower skill.

  Gym MNO
Fee Space Location
1. ZuccoTraining Ground 259 471 50 Full Amsterdam
2. St Petersburg MMA Center 285 228 750 Space St Petersburg
3. Trials Of Fortitude 309 206 1000 Full Montreal
4. Sparks mma 282 188 1000 Space Montreal
5. Gym Goroshi London 123 176 200 Full London
6. Triumph Over Fear 246 164 1000 Full Montreal
7. Fryes pit 119 148 300 Space Hilo
8. Tappelukerho 219 146 1000 Space Helsinki
9. St Petersburg MMA Gym 211 141 1000 Space St Petersburg
10. Rollins Fitness 197 132 1000 Full Las Vegas
11. Ironbound MMA 167 112 1000 Full New York
12. Gronk Apes 164 109 1000 Space Rio de Janeiro
13. California Top Team 130 87 1000 Space Los Angeles
14. Crapollas Gym 124 83 1000 Full Los Angeles
15. Gumburcules Gym 124 82 1000 Space Montreal
16. Outlier Boxing & MMA 119 79 1000 Full New York
17. Copes 110 74 1000 Full Sydney
18. 3Band MMA 110 73 1000 Space Los Angeles
19. Kaptajnernes Træningscenter 110 73 1000 Full Amsterdam
20. New York Public Gym 108 72 1000 Full New York
21. Rabid Dog 102 68 995 Space Las Vegas
22. Deathsquad 101 68 1000 Space London
23. Tycoon Gym 58 58 502 Space London
24. Kalashnikov ELITE MMA Gym 85 57 1000 Space Las Vegas
25. Shut Up & Train! 83 56 1000 Space London
26. The Firm 81 56 950 Space New York
27. IMMA Gym of Elite ASS 82 55 1000 Space Helsinki
28. Tran MMA Gym 82 54 1000 Space New York
29. Canucks Combat Club 54 54 500 Space Montreal
30. Vancouver Island Fight Club 68 54 750 Space Montreal
31. Alpha Brasil 82 54 1000 Full Rio de Janeiro
32. LazyFighters Gym 69 53 800 Space Helsinki
33. Mighty MMA 78 52 1000 Space Tokyo
34. The Scrap Squad 77 51 1000 Space Las Vegas
35. Brooklyn Mixed Martial Arts 73 49 1000 Full New York
36. Bigfoot BJJ 73 49 1000 Space Rio de Janeiro
37. Shinobi Martial Arts & Ninjutsu 66 44 1000 Space Los Angeles
38. Catch Wrestling L.A. 63 42 1000 Space Los Angeles
39. MMAH League and Warrior Nation 63 42 1000 Space Los Angeles
40. Cherokees Island Elite Gym 42 40 550 Space The Island
41. MMA Training and Sparring Buddies 50 35 950 Space Amsterdam
42. Roosters Coop 51 34 1000 Space Las Vegas
43. Punchin N\' Chockin 35 33 550 Space Los Angeles
44. Freaky Fight Club 28 33 333 Space The Island
45. ubergym 48 32 1000 Space St Petersburg
46. London MMA Club 44 29 1000 Space London
47. Death By Snu Snu 39 26 1000 Space Amsterdam
48. The Jungle Room 36 24 1000 Space Las Vegas
49. Rising Sun Training 29 22 800 Space Tokyo
50. Bang Bang Fitness 13 13 500 Space Sydney
51. Cozad MMA St Petersburg 7 12 50 Space St Petersburg
52. Cozad MMA Hilo 6 11 50 Space Hilo
53. Cozad MMA Rio 6 10 50 Space Rio de Janeiro
54. Cozad MMA Helsinki 5 9 50 Space Helsinki
55. Cozad MMA New York 4 8 50 Space New York
56. Cozad Amsterdam 5 8 50 Space Amsterdam
57. Cozad MMA Montreal 5 8 50 Space Montreal
58. Cozad MMA Sydney 4 7 50 Space Sydney
59. Cozad MMA Las Vegas 3 6 50 Space Las Vegas
60. Cozad The Island 3 6 50 Space The Island
61. Cozad MMA London 3 6 50 Space London
62. Cozad MMA Los Angeles 2 4 50 Space Los Angeles
63. Cozad MMA Tokyo 2 4 50 Space Tokyo
64. Ruttos gym 2 1 1000 Space Helsinki
65. Special Ops N7 Training 0 0 350 Space Hilo
66. Helsinki Public MMA Gym 0 0 50 Space Helsinki
67. Fight Barn 0 0 50 Space Hilo

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