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Roman Zhdanov (365951)

Mixed Martial Arts Fighter - Roman Zhdanov
MMA 23-15-1 (W-L-D)
MMA Wins 20 (T)KOs (86.96%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
3 Decisions (13.04%)
MMA Losses 14 (T)KOs (93.33%)
1 Subs (6.67%)
0 Decisions (0.00%)
KT Record 1-0-0 (W-L-D)
KT Wins 0 (T)KOs (0.00%)
1 Decisions (100.00%)
KT Losses 0 (T)KOs (%)
0 Decisions (%)
Next Fight Biscuit Oliva
Song Малиновая Лада (Raspberry Lada) by Gayazov$ Brother$
Height 196 cm
Weight 270 lbs
Can cut to 246.0 lbs
Age 35
Hometown Omsk
Country Russia
Location London
Base London
Manager Henry Bowsher
Bank Balance $20,640.60
Alliance   East Coast MMA
Highest Rank 89 MMA / 250 KT
Creation Date 23rd Jul 2020
Roman has Elite boxing, Elite Muay Thai, Exceptional wrestling and holds a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Awards: Fight of the night: 3 ($27,500)   KO of the night: 3 ($22,500)   
Weight: 35 P4P: 450
0 Days Cuts 0 Days
Kickboxing Hype
  KT Rank
Weight: 13 P4P: 275

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Bondi MMA 🏝️ [6895] Hoarse Pills [6901]
Contracted to Trophies
Dynasty MMA  [6506]

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Fighter Bio
On the 25/7, 10/12, and 15/2 Roman Zhdanov took part in a documentary about MMA. He was selected because the documentary makers valued his expert opinion, as a true student of the game. He was paid $1000 for his time and in the process got his face plastered over TV stations nationwide.

Boxing   - Punches   - Agility   -
Muay Thai   - Kicks   - Flexbility   -
Wrestling   - Elbows   - Speed   -
BJJ   - Knees   - Strength   -
      Clinchwork   - Conditioning   -
Sparring   Worth Striking Defense   - Balance   -
Boxing   - Ground n Pound   -      
Muay Thai   - Takedown Off   -      
Wrestling   - Takedown Def   -      
BJJ   - Submissions   -      
      Defensive Grap   -      
      Transitions   -      
      Escapes   -      
Currently wearing

Carnage Laundry
Carnage Laundry

MMA Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  
L Roman Ship Submission (Arm Triangle) DMMA 325 Argentino vs Lovanov 2024-06-22 265+ 1 01:50 view

Managed by Crazy Horse (88689)
W Pete Tyler TKO (Cut) DMMA 304 Tyler vs Zhdanov 2024-03-24 265 2 01:28 view
W Patrick Kearney TKO (Strikes) DMMA 294 Drake vs Ekaku 2024-02-24 265 1 04:24 view
L John Boy Walton TKO (Strikes) DMMA 287 Kuomanen vs Khan 2024-01-28 265 1 01:59 view
L Mauro Okongwu TKO (Strikes) DMMA 281 Okongwu vs Zhdanov 2024-01-13 265 2 02:07 view
W White Cole TKO (Cut) DMMA 275 Christmas Eve 2023-12-24 265 3 01:57 view
W Pete Tyler TKO (Cut) DMMA 270 Tyler vs Zhdanov 2023-12-10 265 2 03:29 view
W Bento Barboza KO (Punch) DMMA 263 Doomsday vs Don 2023-11-19 265 2 01:58 view
W Nord Licht TKO (Strikes) DMMA 258 Wasselach vs Evans 2023-11-05 265 1 03:57 view
L Patrick Kearney TKO (Punches) DMMA 252 Fisher vs Rahamies 2023-10-22 265 1 03:30 view
L Tarik Oren KO (Head Kick) DMMA 238 Cole vs Barboza 2023-09-17 265 2 01:25 view
W Nord Licht KO (Punch) DMMA 226 Makkonen vs Drake 2 2023-08-19 265 1 01:23 view
L Bento Barboza KO (Head Kick) DMMA 217 Kersikov vs Karumaa 2023-07-26 265 1 01:58 view
W Patrick Kearney TKO (Strikes) DMMA 209 Adeoluwa vs Kersikov 2023-07-01 265 2 02:42 view
W Peter Beardsley TKO (Strikes) DMMA 201 Outback vs Roos 2 2023-06-04 265+ 3 00:33 view
L Sheikh Mahmut KO (Head Kick) DMMA 188 Roos Vs Kaupens 2023-04-26 265 1 04:59 view
L Deividas Vilkas TKO (Strikes) DMMA 182 Outback vs Cabrera 2023-04-01 265 2 02:50 view
W Hassan Fezzik TKO (Cut) DC 32: HW Guest Appearance! 2023-03-04 265 2 02:14 view
W Hjallis Kalske TKO (Strikes) DMMA 166 Harakka vs Hall 2 2023-02-05 265 2 03:57 view
W Tarik Oren KO (Superman Punch) DMMA 162 Kaupens vs Rocksaw 2023-01-08 265 1 00:12 view
W Art Bowers Decision (Unanimous) DMMA 156 Outback vs Kaupens 2 2022-12-10 265 3 05:00 view
D Art Bowers Draw DMMA 153 Kersikov vs Account 2022-11-19 265 3 05:00 view
W Klaus Tannenbaum Decision (Unanimous) DMMA 148 Dall Jr vs Grant 2022-10-15 265 3 05:00 view
L Jason Hightower TKO (Strikes) DMMA 139 Hightower vs Zhdanov 2022-09-11 265 1 02:15 view
W Jeremy Cross TKO (Strikes) DMMA 130 Niculescu Vs Martin 2022-08-13 265 1 02:46 view
W Nord Licht TKO (Strikes) DMMA Friday Night Fights 1 2022-07-08 265 1 02:17 view

Managed by John Wayne (133600)
L Deividas Vilkas KO (Punch) DMMA 109 MaGrath vs Torres 2022-05-29 265 1 03:26 view

Managed by Squirrely Dan (25274)
L Jules Durand TKO (Strikes) DMMA 96: Obi vs Kamenev 2022-04-09 265 2 00:05 view
W Kimbo Slaissi TKO (Strikes) DMMA 88: Imanari vs O Malley 2022-03-06 265 1 01:33 view
L Hassan Fezzik KO (Punch) DMMA 78: Johnson vs Mukunzi 2022-01-29 265 1 02:28 view
L Jason Hightower TKO (Strikes) DMMA 67: Hightower vs Zhdanov 2021-12-18 265 1 02:36 view
W Haw Thorn TKO (Strikes) DMMA 59: Nansen vs Risin 2021-11-14 265 2 01:27 view
L Kevin Faulk TKO (Strikes) DMMA 42: Faulk vs Zhdanov 2021-09-05 265 1 00:56 view
W Victor Contreiras KO (Strikes) DMMA 34: Distefano vs Johnson 2021-08-11 265 1 00:39 view
W Cassus Fett TKO (Strikes) DMMA 22: Benedetti vs Imanari 2021-06-30 265 3 02:15 view
W Soggy Toast Decision (Unanimous) DMMA 14: Rocksaw v Andrianakis 2021-06-02 265 3 05:00 view
W Israel Okoye KO (Punch) DMMA 4: Leblond vs Abarai 2021-04-28 265 1 00:24 view
W Hjallis Kalske KO (Punch) ACA 18: Albans vs Nansen 2021-03-12 265 2 02:37 view
L Agolave Hau KO (Head Kick) PSE test1 2020-08-08 265+ 1 00:43 view

Kickboxing Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  
W KT Panda Decision (Unanimous) VKT HW Grand Prix - Final 4 2020-12-26 265+ 3 03:00 view

Buzz at Roman Zhdanov (Logged in as )
No one buzzed at this fighter. Be the first to buzz at him!

Current Gym : Bowsh Gym
Weekly Gym Fees : $ 50  
Gym Quality : Brand new  

Recent Events

2024-07-07- Roman Zhdanov celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
2024-07-01- received FPP Formula Xert FX5 (160) from manager.
2024-05-24- Moved base to London
2024-05-15- Released By Crazy Horse [88689]
2024-04-30- Bought BDG Preworkout Q160 for $49 at Big Dog Gains 160Q $49
2024-04-13- Roman Zhdanov celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
2024-02-15- Bought BDG Preworkout Q160 for $49 at Big Dog Gains 160Q $49
2024-01-19- Roman Zhdanov celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
2023-12-06- Bought BDG Preworkout Q160 for $49 at Big Dog Gains 160Q $49
2023-12-03- Bought Carnage 12 Shorts for $300 at Carnage Laundry

Previous Managers

Squirrely Dan John Wayne Crazy Horse

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