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Norman "Nuclear Option" Boma (370115)

Mixed Martial Arts Fighter - Norman Boma
Record 21-15-2 (W-L-D)
Wins 17 (T)KOs (80.95%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
4 Decisions (19.05%)
Losses 15 (T)KOs (100.00%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
0 Decisions (0.00%)
Next Fight Alex Campbell
Song Drowning Pool - Bodies
Height 195 cm
Weight 185 lbs
Can cut to 168.7 lbs
Age 33
Hometown Gent
Country Finland
Location Los Angeles
Base Los Angeles
Manager Pete Jones
Bank Balance $269,684.86
Alliance   FinnFighters
Highest Rank 62 MMA
Creation Date 17th Dec 2020
Norman has Elite boxing, Elite Muay Thai, Sensational wrestling and holds a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Awards: Fight of the night: 5 ($5,500)   KO of the night: 1 ($10,000)   
Weight: 88 P4P: 663
0 Days Cuts 0 Days

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Total users: 40617

Fighter Bio
"Boma always got that one punch nuclear option". - Joe Rogan

Boxing   - Punches   - Agility   -
Muay Thai   - Kicks   - Flexbility   -
Wrestling   - Elbows   - Speed   -
BJJ   - Knees   - Strength   -
      Clinchwork   - Conditioning   -
Sparring   Worth Striking Defense   - Balance   -
Boxing   - Ground n Pound   -      
Muay Thai   - Takedown Off   -      
Wrestling   - Takedown Def   -      
BJJ   - Submissions   -      
      Defensive Grap   -      
      Transitions   -      
      Escapes   -      
Currently wearing

Do Ho Joy’s Korean Laundry
Bondi MMA 🏝️

MMA Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  
L Nicholaus Strauss TKO (Strikes) SMASH: Minoru Li vs Mukunzi 2024-06-22 170 1 04:09 view
D Jimmy Lee Draw SMASH: Sitsongrit vs Cedillo 2024-05-26 170 3 05:00 view
L Marcus Greene KO (Punch) SMASH: Prescott vs Thai 3 2024-04-21 170 1 00:59 view
W Jimmy Lee KO (Punch) SMASH: Barkley vs Rocksaw 2024-03-24 170 2 01:06 view
L Mason Jones KO (Punch) SMASH: Jones vs Boma 2024-02-24 170 1 02:21 view
W Nicholaus Strauss TKO (Strikes) SMASH: Sitsongrit v Materlak 2 2024-02-10 170 1 00:41 view
W Macho Man Randy KO (Punch) SMASH: Dankovic vs Gustafsson 2024-01-14 170 2 00:25 view
W Ham Burger TKO (Strikes) SMASH: Sitsongrit vs Hatfield 2023-12-24 170 1 02:56 view
L Vladimir Kosmanov TKO (Strikes) SMASH: Barkley vs Kowalkiewicz 2023-11-11 170 1 03:22 view
L Adrian Rose TKO (Strikes) Nfld live 47 2023-10-07 170 2 03:56 view

Managed by Jeffrey Ramirez (49424)
W Benedicte Swanson Decision (Unanimous) Nfld live 44 2023-09-16 170 3 05:00 view

Managed by Not Skenoj (116348)
L Rock Romero KO (Punch) Nfld FN 46 2023-08-24 170 2 01:47 view
L David Eagle KO (Punch) Nfld FN 45 2023-08-03 170 1 03:49 view
L Oliver Robson TKO (Strikes) Nfld live 37 2023-07-01 170 1 04:42 view

Managed by Olande Darc (57003)
W Brian Dean TKO (Strikes) Nfld live 35 2023-06-17 170 2 00:40 view

Managed by Helmans Ted (140441)
L Vlad Tepes Iii TKO (Strikes) Nfld live 32 2023-05-20 170 2 01:06 view
W Sparky Anderson KO (Punch) Nfld 34 2023-05-06 170 3 00:53 view
W Terry Silver TKO (Strikes) Nfld live 29 2023-04-22 170 4 01:46 view
W Macho Man Randy TKO (Strikes) Nfld 33 2023-04-08 170 2 00:29 view
W Adrian Rose Decision (Unanimous) Nfld FN 37 2023-03-16 170 3 05:00 view
L Sparky Anderson TKO (Strikes) Nfld live 23 2023-02-18 170 2 02:58 view
W Ziggy Stardust Decision (Unanimous) Nfld live 21 2023-01-28 170 5 05:00 view
W Macho Man Randy TKO (Strikes) Nfld 28 2022-12-17 170 2 00:15 view
W Brian Dean TKO (Punches) Nfld 27 2022-11-26 170 2 03:17 view
W Johny Handicks KO (Punch) Nfld FN 25 2022-10-27 170 3 04:41 view
W Dan Averescu Decision (Unanimous) Nfld FN 22 2022-09-29 170 3 05:00 view
W Dalton McConnell TKO (Strikes) Quick Fight Championship 2022-09-04 170 1 00:40 view
W Cajetan Shashi TKO (Strikes) Quick Fight Championship 2022-09-01 170 1 01:56 view

Managed by Alika Webb (62511)
L Kron Gracie KO (Punch) ENIGMA 122 2022-08-21 185 1 01:59 view
L Jake Reaper TKO (Strikes) ENIGMA 112 2022-07-03 185 3 04:32 view
L Matthew Dean TKO (Strikes) ENIGMA 104 2022-05-29 185 1 02:44 view
L Abdo Farah TKO (Strikes) ENIGMA 95 2022-04-30 185 1 00:52 view
W Lathem McGuire TKO (Strikes) ENIGMA 84 2022-03-13 185 2 01:08 view
W Clubber Lang TKO (Strikes) GDL 140: Egyptian VS Evans 2022-02-12 185 2 04:55 view
W Janne Korpela TKO (Strikes) GDL 136:Biden VS Bleak 2022-01-15 185 2 04:58 view
D Hendrix Cabrera Majority Draw GDL 132: Schmidt VS Egypt 2021-12-18 185 3 05:00 view
L Clubber Lang TKO (Strikes) GDL 126: Yan VS Adlehyde 2021-11-06 185 3 00:57 view
W Willie Faacker KO (Head Kick) GDL 123: Schmidt VS Shumway 2021-10-16 185 2 00:37 view

Buzz at Norman "Nuclear Option" Boma (Logged in as )
Marcus Greene
Marcus Greene buzzed at Norman Boma

I just sent a message by taking out Norman Boma in less than a minute. (Apr 22, 2024)

view conversation »
Norman "Nuclear Option" Boma's recent buzzes
Norman Boma replied to Marcus Greene's Buzz buzzed at Marcus Greene
Fight to see who's power of God is more powerful (May 17, 2023)
Norman Boma replied to Valdo Calamari's Buzz buzzed at Valdo Calamari
So basically you want to skip the whole line and fight me, Buddy you would get knocked out like you did before anyways, but just earn it in some way at least (Apr 28, 2023)
Norman Boma replied to Valdo Calamari's Buzz buzzed at Valdo Calamari
You are the one crumbling under the pressure in big fights buddy (Apr 28, 2023)
Norman Boma replied to Valdo Calamari's Buzz buzzed at Valdo Calamari
That's why I've beaten the guy that subbed you twice already for the belt? (Apr 28, 2023)
Norman Boma replied to Valdo Calamari's Buzz buzzed at Nathan Fedorov
No wonder the fight would be quick when you are fighting a guy that is not developed as a fighter in any way, but your teammate Nathan Fedorov has already proven it is possible to lose to a worse fighter, and you've already managed to get subbed by a purple belt while yourself being a black belt soooo, yeah nothing is really impossible with you guys (Apr 28, 2023)

Current Gym : Animal Fight Club
Weekly Gym Fees : $ 1000  
Gym Quality : Excellent  

Recent Events

2024-06-20- Bought HMD Top Shit for $300 at Heavy Metal Drugs
2024-06-19- Bought HMD Top Shit for $300 at Heavy Metal Drugs
2024-06-14- Norman Boma celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
2024-05-07- Bought HMD Top Shit for $300 at Heavy Metal Drugs
2024-03-21- Norman Boma celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
2024-03-06- Bought HMD Top Shit for $300 at Heavy Metal Drugs
2023-12-27- Norman Boma celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
2023-10-03- Norman Boma celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
2023-09-19- Moved base to Los Angeles
2023-09-11- Released By Jeffrey Ramirez [49424]

Previous Managers

Alika Webb Helmans Ted Not Skenoj Jeffrey Ramirez

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