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Dan "No Mercy" Averescu (362100)

Mixed Martial Arts Fighter - Dan Averescu
Record 26-37-1 (W-L-D)
Wins 17 (T)KOs (65.38%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
9 Decisions (34.62%)
Losses 18 (T)KOs (48.65%)
7 Subs (18.92%)
12 Decisions (32.43%)
Next Fight Javier Martinez
Song Guns N' Roses - Welcome To The Jungle
Height 185 cm
Weight 187 lbs
Can cut to 172.0 lbs
Age 43
Hometown Bucuresti
Country Romania
Location Amsterdam
Base Amsterdam
Manager Olande Darc
Bank Balance $409,099.14
Alliance   -
Highest Rank 749 MMA
Creation Date 13th Apr 2020
Dan has Wonderful boxing, Competent Muay Thai, Superb wrestling and holds a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Awards: Fight of the night: 6 ($15,000)   KO of the night: 6 ($13,500)   
Weight: 345 P4P: 3014
0 Days Cuts 0 Days

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Contracted to Trophies
MFC [7435]

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Fighter Bio
Mma veteran

Boxing   - Punches   - Agility   -
Muay Thai   - Kicks   - Flexbility   -
Wrestling   - Elbows   - Speed   -
BJJ   - Knees   - Strength   -
      Clinchwork   - Conditioning   -
Sparring   Worth Striking Defense   - Balance   -
Boxing   - Ground n Pound   -      
Muay Thai   - Takedown Off   -      
Wrestling   - Takedown Def   -      
BJJ   - Submissions   -      
      Defensive Grap   -      
      Transitions   -      
      Escapes   -      
Currently wearing

Seventh Circle Clothing

MMA Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  
NC RollBack TheNineteenth No Contest CCC 51 : Fedetenko vs Hulk 2024-07-14 170 1 00:00 view
L Jackson Brown Decision (Unanimous) CCC 37 : Hernandez vs Eclaro 2024-06-15 170 3 05:00 view
W Kirov Sturmovik TKO (Strikes) CCC 28 Gunnarsson vs Nogueira 2024-05-12 185 3 04:26 view
L Samuel Barfield Decision (Unanimous) CCC 17 : Francis vs Wilder 2024-03-30 185 3 05:00 view
L Javier Martinez Decision (Unanimous) CCC 9: Bartosiński vs Kuznecov 2024-03-02 185 3 05:00 view
L Cam Cartwright Decision (Unanimous) CCC 6 : Soares vs Kovacs 2024-02-17 185 3 05:00 view
W Leonardo Santos Submission (Strikes) CCC 1 : Locke vs Emelianenko 2024-01-19 185 1 02:06 view
L Eli Vieira Submission (RNC) Nfld 43 2024-01-06 185 2 01:28 view
W Dwight Schrute KO (Punch) Nfld 42 2023-12-16 185 2 00:52 view
L Balink Tarlah KO (Strikes) Nfld FN 50 2023-11-16 185 1 02:55 view
L Corwin Anstey Decision (Unanimous) Nfld live 49 2023-10-28 185 3 05:00 view
W Jaz Moore TKO (Strikes) Nfld FN 48 2023-10-12 185 1 00:21 view
L Bum Phillips Submission (Americana) Nfld live 44 2023-09-16 185 1 04:55 view
L Brownie Anderson Decision (Unanimous) Nfld 38 2023-08-19 170 3 05:00 view
W Corwin Anstey Decision (Unanimous) Nfld liive 38 2023-07-15 185 3 05:00 view
L Javier Martinez TKO (Cut) Nfld live 36 2023-06-24 185 2 00:49 view
W Dwight Schrute Decision (Unanimous) Nfld 35 2023-06-10 185 3 05:00 view
L Lyoha Nagibatel Decision (Unanimous) Nfld live 31 2023-05-13 185 3 05:00 view
D Lyoha Nagibatel Majority Draw Nfld live 28 2023-04-15 185 3 05:00 view
L Horghain Yan Spentliche TKO (Strikes) Nfld 32 2023-03-18 185 1 02:49 view
L Mehdi Kanaani TKO (Strikes) Nfld live 23 2023-02-18 170 1 02:56 view
L Macho Man Randy Submission (Americana) Nfld live 21 2023-01-28 170 1 00:53 view
L Ziggy Stardust KO (Head Kick) Nfld live 19 2023-01-07 170 1 02:57 view
L Jack Falcon TKO (Strikes) Nfld live 18 2022-12-10 170 1 03:45 view
W Balink Tarlah TKO (Strikes) Nfld live 16 2022-11-19 170 1 00:38 view
W Corwin Anstey Decision (Unanimous) Nfld FN 25 2022-10-27 170 3 05:00 view
L Norman Boma Decision (Unanimous) Nfld FN 22 2022-09-29 170 3 05:00 view
L Balink Tarlah TKO (Strikes) Nfld 23 2022-09-03 170 3 01:40 view
L Brownie Anderson KO (Punches) Nfld 22 2022-08-13 170 1 01:31 view
W Balink Tarlah TKO (Strikes) Nfld 21 2022-07-23 170 1 03:26 view
L Jack Falcon Submission (Guillotine) Nfld 20 2022-07-02 170 2 02:56 view
W Brownie Anderson Decision (Unanimous) Nfld live 1 2022-06-11 170 5 05:00 view
W Theodore Holmstrom TKO (Strikes) Nfld 17 2022-05-28 170 1 00:44 view
W Balink Tarlah KO (Punches) Quick Fight Championship 2022-05-16 170 1 00:28 view
L Rene Lafayette Submission (Armbar) BB 46 - McWrestler vs Man 2022-05-07 170 2 03:44 view
L Hakeem Adderley TKO (Strikes) BB 39 - Adam vs Escobar 2022-04-05 170 2 04:57 view
L Brian Dean TKO (Strikes) BB 31 Obaminator vs Tavares 2 2022-03-01 170 1 00:12 view
L Steven Adefemi Decision (Unanimous) BB 24 - Abner vs Olsen 2 2022-01-29 170 3 05:00 view
L Zabit Magomedov Decision (Unanimous) BB 15 - Zaintashara vs Roos 2021-12-15 170 3 05:00 view
W Blake Leopoldo TKO (Strikes) CMMA 175 Duvernay v DeMinaur 2 2021-10-24 170 1 03:53 view
L Henry Of Skalitz KO (Head Kick) CMMA 158 Warrior v McWrestler 2021-09-17 170 1 02:56 view
L Wilmerr Fudd TKO (Strikes) CMMA 146 Obaminator v Tavares 2021-08-20 170 1 01:18 view
W Sanderlei Wilva TKO (Strikes) CMMA 137 Kitsuragi v Tavares 2021-07-30 170 3 00:39 view
W Nathan Parker TKO (Strikes) CMMA 130 Lafayette v Kaloev 2021-07-11 170 1 02:23 view
W Blake Leopoldo Decision (Unanimous) CMMA 117 Hallbjornsson v Olsen 2021-06-12 170 3 05:00 view
L Luck Chiddell TKO (Strikes) CMMA 110 Yrkje v Anubis 2021-05-23 170 1 00:36 view
L Rich Mahogany Submission (Kimura) CMMA 107: Contenders III 2021-05-16 170 1 00:47 view
W Sanderlei Wilva Decision (Majority) CMMA 99 2021-04-24 170 3 05:00 view
L Wilmerr Fudd KO (Strikes) CMMA 92 Camara vs Peieira 2021-03-28 170 1 02:34 view
W Dom Walsh KO (Punches) CMMA 83 McCrae vs Tavares 2021-02-27 170 1 00:50 view
L Blake Leopoldo Submission (RNC) CMMA 73 Dinapoli vs Kennedy 2021-01-30 170 1 02:20 view
L Sanderlei Wilva Decision (Unanimous) CMMA 65 Platt vs Wayne 2021-01-03 170 3 05:00 view
W Dwight Schrute Decision (Majority) CMMA 55 Virus vs Ghambe 2020-12-05 170 3 05:00 view
W Chris Davis KO (Punch) RRFC Fight Night 46 2020-11-07 170 1 02:05 view
L Dwight Schrute TKO (Strikes) RRFC Fight Night 45 2020-10-10 170 2 03:49 view
W Ken Barlow TKO (Strikes) RRFC Fight Night 44 2020-09-30 170 2 01:56 view
L Shawn Michaels KO (Punch) RRFC 55: Shabazz vs Korsemann 2020-09-12 170 1 01:08 view
W Danilo Hooper KO (Punch) RRFC 53: Shabazz vs Himes 2020-08-29 170 1 02:38 view
L Charlie Chan Decision (Unanimous) RRFC 49 2020-08-01 170 3 05:00 view
W Joeseph Sanford KO (Punch) RRFC Challengers 44 2020-07-15 170 1 03:25 view
W Gabriel Cote KO (Punch) RRFC Challengers 42 2020-07-01 170 3 00:54 view
L Jeffery Berwick KO (Punch) RRFC Fight Night 35 2020-06-14 170 1 04:57 view
W John Diaz Decision (Unanimous) RRFC 40: Weeks vs Diaz 2020-05-23 170 3 05:00 view
L Hugo Smith TKO (Punches) RRFC Challengers 35 2020-05-06 170 3 04:54 view
W Hector Silvia Decision (Unanimous) Quick Fight Championship 2020-04-15 170 3 05:00 view

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Current Gym : MMA Training and Sparring Buddies
Weekly Gym Fees : $ 950  
Gym Quality : Brand new  

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Recent Events

2024-06-21- Dan Averescu celebrated his birthday - 43 today!
2024-05-14- Bought DOS proprietary weight loss blend for $300 at The Huntington New Age Wellness Community
2024-03-28- Dan Averescu celebrated his birthday - 42 today!
2024-01-03- Dan Averescu celebrated his birthday - 41 today!
2023-10-10- Dan Averescu celebrated his birthday - 40 today!
2023-10-09- Bought Thickness Powder (Q160) for $100 at Overeem’s Horse Meat
2023-10-01- Bought Thickness Powder (Q160) for $100 at Overeem’s Horse Meat
2023-07-17- Dan Averescu celebrated his birthday - 39 today!
2023-07-16- Bought No Work Weight Loss (Q160) for $100 at Overeem’s Horse Meat
2023-07-09- Bought X1 Navy for $80 at Ajax Cloth

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